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where can I get rot-proof carpeting?
Jumpy Guy - 19/11/03 at 10:42 AM

Europa etc dont seem to do it...

David Jenkins - 19/11/03 at 11:35 AM



Good (but not cheap) place to buy all sorts of vehicle trim.


theconrodkid - 19/11/03 at 12:45 PM

i used rubber matting,got miles left over

Deckman001 - 19/11/03 at 01:46 PM

John, save some for me then


theconrodkid - 19/11/03 at 04:48 PM

when i can find it,may be in the barn

andyps - 20/11/03 at 02:02 PM

Carpet designed for bathrooms and kitchens is usually pretty rot resistant.