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indicator storks
oadamo - 25/4/08 at 08:24 PM

is there any other indicator storks i can use then the sierra. iam after some with a nice fitting and some stainless storks or aluminuim. because i think the sierra storks are a bit naff.

oldtimer - 25/4/08 at 08:31 PM

These may work, on ebay, not mine, never seen them. May be worth considering though.

David Jenkins - 25/4/08 at 09:11 PM

There's a way of modifying the Sierra stalks - if you can wait until tomorrow I'll show you a picture of what I did.

basically, if you saw the stalk off in the right place you will find a convenient hole. You can glue a length of 3mm steel rod in the hole, and then glue a nice flashy stalk onto that.

I made my replacement stalk, but I'm sure someone was selling nice ones on ebay.