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My dash completed and a big thanks
hoots_min - 9/5/08 at 08:40 PM

This was the interim effort although now it is almost complete, am very happy with it and may not get round to finishing the final design which was to be a lot more fibreglass in a wrap around fashion.

This and a whole lot more could not have been completed in time for my first hillclimb without the excellent support and help of Nigeess, so a great big thanks bro!

Few images below, but there are a few more in archive.




omega0684 - 10/5/08 at 07:40 AM


Dangle_kt - 10/5/08 at 09:14 AM

I hope you have a fighter pilot suit to use when you drive it, it looks like it needs one!

Great effort mate!

hoots_min - 12/5/08 at 11:56 AM

Thanks. Have ordered one of the big leathery ones with leather helmet for the bedroom but should do okay in this too!