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Been kinda busy this weekend !
clairetoo - 11/5/08 at 10:00 PM

Dashboards seem to be `flavour of the month` at the moment , so guess what I`ve been up to today


I allso managed to sort of fit the airbox/air filter arrangement - still needs some finishing , but since you cant have too much carbon fibre it wont change much
All I need now is a windscreen


blakep82 - 11/5/08 at 10:19 PM

shame carbon fibre's no good for windscreens

looks good!

Mr Whippy - 12/5/08 at 07:43 AM

wow can you see where your going with that rather unrestrained bonnet bulge? dash looks smart though.

BenB - 12/5/08 at 07:52 AM

And the prize for Locostbuilders carbon tart of the year goes to....

Very nice
Did you make a buck for the airbox and lay it up? Dry cloth or pre-preg?? What about the trumpets? Are they DIY or Visa/Mastercard? Some glass/carbon trumpets have been on my to-do list since before SVA...