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Dials, Switches and Lights!
orbital - 25/5/08 at 05:29 PM

Hi Guys,

I’m after some general help with my dashboard. I’ve got a nice bit of carbon fibre from Carbon Mods for the dash itself. I’ve made myself a template ready to cut and got myself a nice perma grit hacksaw blade ready to do the deed. Thing is I’m having a major pain finding the two holesaw sizes for my Smiths dials (100mm and 52mm) without spending a small fortune (especially the 100mm sized one). The other thing is switches and lights. I didn’t want the stalks on the column so obviously I need to replace everything off there with switches and I’m also replacing the warning lights that the original dash had as they looked like something from the 1930’s. This is the list of dials/switches and warning lights I’ve got or intend to get so far.

Water Temp
Oil pressure

Warning Lights
Indicator left
Indicator Right
Hand Brake
High Beam
Dipped beam
Side lights
Oil Pressure

Rear fog
Side lights
Dipped beam
Full beam

Now do I need all of those to pass the SVA? Or indeed have I missed anything off? I was going to get a bright 6-T module to cover the warning lights as it seems a nice space saving way of getting all the lights in one place. The switches are going to be the Savage alloy ones. One other thing I’d like to ask is what to use for an indicator switch now I don’t have a stalk? Do I just get two savages switches? Is it as easy as that? One last question (promise!) the zone behind the steering wheel the one that extends out 127mm from the steering wheel is exempt from the 2.5mm radius rule and pointy things can live there correct?

Lot of questions there I know, but all help, pointers, thoughts would be most welcome.


Humbug - 25/5/08 at 06:13 PM

If you don't want column stalks and are planning to have a screen, you'll need switches for:


Of the dials. you only need a speedo for SVA

You don't need a horn switch as you don't need a horn for SVA (weird, eh?)

I don't think you need separate sidelight and dipped beam warning lights

Re indicator switch, it might be a no-no to have two separate indicator switches, as you could then accidentally have both on at the same time. I think I have seen a two-way rocker switch somewhere: press left for left, right for right or leave it in the middle for off (not Savage though)

[Edited on 25.05.2008 by Humbug]

adithorp - 25/5/08 at 06:24 PM

Fog light warning light?


Macbeast - 25/5/08 at 07:23 PM

For the 100 mm Speedo and rev counter holes. I chain drilled and filed in aluminium. Slow, tedious but locost
Not sure how that would work with carbon fibre tho.

dash 1
dash 1

dash 2
dash 2

I'm keeping the Sierra indicator / dip stalk but not the offside stalk.

[Edited on 25/5/08 by Macbeast]

orbital - 25/5/08 at 07:40 PM

I've not got a screen, so I haven't got to worry about those.

You really don't need a horn for SVA? How odd is that!

Do I need a fog warning light?

I was hoping to avoid having to use a rocker switch as the ones I've seen are as ugly as hell. Does anyone know of any that wouldn't look out of place with savage switches?



Macbeast - 25/5/08 at 07:43 PM

yes, you need a fog warning light

You'll want a horn so you can inform everybody in the neighbourhood that you passed SVA

exempt area:

Exempt area
Exempt area

[Edited on 25/5/08 by Macbeast]

orbital - 25/5/08 at 08:34 PM

If the fog switch is a savage one that lights up when activated does that mean I don't need a warning light?



worX - 25/5/08 at 08:45 PM

Yes, but you have to "wire it that way"!

sent you a U2U Dave.


Originally posted by orbital
If the fog switch is a savage one that lights up when activated does that mean I don't need a warning light?

