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blue or pink styro foam small quantities
jabbahutt - 5/6/08 at 10:23 AM

Morning all

Hit a dead end last night trying to get some of the above in small quantity.

B&Q only seem to seel it in huge packs for £20.

Any ideas on national companies I might be able to get some from? I'm only after 600x600. Or has anyone got any offcuts they'd exchange for beer tokens?


smart51 - 5/6/08 at 10:26 AM

Your B&Q sells blue and pink foam? Where do they keep it?

Mine only seems to sell white polystyrene which is attacked by polyester resin. Unless that is I'm looking in the wrong place.

jabbahutt - 5/6/08 at 10:28 AM

after being dragged round the whole store by the numpty who I made the mistake of asking for help I ended up finding it ony my own.

If the stores are all laid out the same it's in large packs down near the entrance to the outdoor building supplies bit on the left near the MDF/plywood sheets etc.

Hope that helps, unforntunately it only comes in large packs for £20.

tegwin - 5/6/08 at 10:29 AM

The blue and pink stuff will get attacked by the resin as well...

You will have to paint it with a waterbased paint first, or use parcel tape

grazzledazzle - 5/6/08 at 10:36 AM

Do a google search for 4D models.
They do mail order.

dhutch - 5/6/08 at 12:37 PM

IM sure ive seen small boards of kingspan (or simular) in BnQ or focus or simular.
- Otherwise failing that, do you know any buiilding work going on nearby where there using it? Might be able to spare and off cut for the price of a beer.


Delinquent - 5/6/08 at 01:39 PM

- Otherwise failing that, do you know any buiilding work going on

Which will probably be me - depends how soon you need it, not starting "that" sort of work for about 6 weeks.

jabbahutt - 5/6/08 at 02:18 PM

Well after plenty of searching on the net as most places want silly money for the stuff I found this place

based outside Liverpool and deliver within 48hrs so hopefully I'll be able to get cracking over the weekend.

hopefully this will help out others in the same predicament.


Avoneer - 14/6/08 at 07:51 AM

I've got about 6x 4'x2' 10mm sheets in my garage of the real stuff - designed for glass.

Any good to anyone?
