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Will This Switch Pass SVA?
orbital - 4/7/08 at 11:43 PM

Hi All,

I'm still faffing about trying to find some switches for my new dash. I was going to get some Savage ones, but the £15 per switch put me off somewhat!! What do people think of these ones (is anyone using them?) and do you think they'll pass SVA ok?



RK - 5/7/08 at 03:13 AM

Why wouldn't it? I don't see his little orb getting any sharp edges from that.

RazMan - 5/7/08 at 06:55 AM

Nice little switch that - should be fine

DRC INDY 7 - 5/7/08 at 09:10 AM

I am useing one of those for my electric fan

orbital - 5/7/08 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by RK
Why wouldn't it? I don't see his little orb getting any sharp edges from that.

No I couldn't see any reason why it shouldn't, but I just thought I'd ask in case someone knew different


Whats the switch like? Do you think it'll last ok?



RazMan - 5/7/08 at 10:41 AM

It will need to be rated at >10A for a fan - worth checking or it will fail quickly

iank - 5/7/08 at 10:50 AM

Doesn't look to be waterproof. Whether that matters or not depends on whether it'll get wet where you mount it when it, inevitably, rains on you.

If you've got the datasheet IP65, IP66, IP67 or IP68 will tell you that's it's waterproof.

orbital - 5/7/08 at 12:32 PM

They are rated at 16A @ 12volts.

would that get round having to use relays? The thought of re-locating my column switches is bad enough without having to mess about with relays too

I can't find a datasheet on them, but I don't intend to take the car out even if there's a hint of rain



[Edited on 123131p://3215 by orbital]

[Edited on 123131p://3315 by orbital]

RazMan - 5/7/08 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by orbital

would that get round having to use relays?

Yep, you can get away with that - 2 x 55W headlamps will draw less than 10A

orbital - 5/7/08 at 02:05 PM

Cheers Raz

MakeEverything - 9/8/08 at 10:21 AM

Originally posted by orbital
I can't find a datasheet on them, but I don't intend to take the car out even if there's a hint of rain

Unfortunately, the best laid plans an' all that.....

[Edited on 9/8/08 by MakeEverything]

02GF74 - 11/8/08 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by RK
Why wouldn't it? I don't see his little orb getting any sharp edges from that.

hmmm, I am not so sure. I'd have to look at the manual but there is a 4 mm (?)gauge that would casue the top edge of the rocker to fail.