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dan__wright - 7/7/08 at 11:50 AM

Im looking at harnesses for the car.

i remember someone saying on here a while ago that you really need 5/6 point harnesses in a 7 as you can easily slip under them.

im looking at some omp 4 point for about £50 each or these 6 points:

so three questions:
should i go 6 points over 4's
are trs a decent brand?
will turnbuckle harnesses pass sva?

if not im looking at omp 4 point turnbuckles + extra crotch straps @ about £160-180 for each.

[Edited on 7/7/08 by dan__wright]

JimGTI - 7/7/08 at 11:55 AM

I have (Willans I think) 4 point harnesses and have never had any problems slipping underneath them... just my 2ps worth

Mr Whippy - 7/7/08 at 12:01 PM

Depends very much on the seat and you can't really tell until you have a crash whether you would not slide out. If you can fit one and be bothered with the hassle I'd fit a 6 point one if going racing etc, I find 4 point ones more than enough bother and imagine a 6 point would be quite uncomfortable on a long journey. Just buy a heap of Velcro and stick yourself to the seat

I understand that only normal push button buckles are allowed for the SVA

madrallysport - 7/7/08 at 12:21 PM


Sent you a u2u, about a spare set of harnesses I have.

Werner Van Loock - 7/7/08 at 03:06 PM

Don't think 5 or 6 point harnesses exist with E-markings, so are by default not SVA friendly.

blakep82 - 7/7/08 at 05:53 PM

i think the sliding under the seatbelt thing was something to do with taking a 4 year old out in the car