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Heater advice please
John Bonnett - 7/7/08 at 05:53 PM

Please bear with me on this one, I'm old and need a few comforts! My hair shirt days are long gone!

I'm going to fit a heater in the trials car and I wonder if anyone can tell me how critical the height of the heater is. I have always thought the higher the better but it may only be possible to install it 10 or so inches above the floor. Do you think it will work in this position?

Thanks for your help.


adithorp - 7/7/08 at 06:03 PM

A lot of tintop heaters are mounted fairly low down. I've got a Polo heater going spare if your interested.


C10CoryM - 8/7/08 at 02:19 AM

Heater core height has no real bearing on operation. So long as one side is on the pressure side and one is on the suction side it will flow fine.
Only tip is to mount it low, and aim the ends up a little so air can bleed out. Some heater cores are a pain to bleed.

John Bonnett - 8/7/08 at 08:05 AM

Thanks Chaps, I'm pleased to hear it will be okay low down because there realy is no other option.

Adrian, thank you for your kind offer but I do have a mini heater and an even smaller one that I have custom built.

Thank you both for your help.

