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7/16 UNF harness bolt
dan__wright - 22/8/08 at 01:09 PM

anyone got any of the above or knows somewhere that sells them? destroyed on the the bolts on my harnesses, re-tapped the hole but need another bolt, got one from merlin motor sports but its only 1" long and is a bit short. once you've got the spacer on.


BenB - 22/8/08 at 01:25 PM

How long do you need? I tend to go to Namrick for things like this but I'm sure I've got a few different length bolts stashed in the garage if you want....

chrism - 22/8/08 at 01:29 PM

Breakers Yard?

Can you not get one from any car that has seatbelts fitted.

dan__wright - 22/8/08 at 01:41 PM

probably about 1.5" - 2"

ive found a few places localy that have them but not high tensile.

will give namrick a go

coozer - 22/8/08 at 01:44 PM

Get down the scrappy and hunt for a Ka, front ones are ideal and have 8.8 on them, back ones are much longer but surprisingly have no 8.8 on them.

Beware they are a torx fitting tho. Good luck

nib1980 - 22/8/08 at 07:10 PM

send me a U2U, I'll havea look i think i may have something kicking around at work. but i'm away until saturday just so you know.

hillbillyracer - 22/8/08 at 08:07 PM

I think every seatbelt bolt has to be a 7/16 UNF no matter the make of car, it's standard set way back in the past.
You just need to find one with the right head, shoulder & length to suit your needs.

mackei23b - 22/8/08 at 09:27 PM

try suffolk fasteners, that's where mine came from, very helpful.

