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Logo design?
rumplitter - 12/9/08 at 07:42 AM

Morning all,

Although my build has slowed right down it's giving me the opportunity to look at the minor details that make the car individual. I've recently designed a log for my MiniMojo and had a sample stitched onto felt, the end product will be on my headrests. I've also designed a stainless steel binical with a similar logo, once a sample is laser cut I will photograph it and post the results.

Would anyone be interested in getting something similar? Is a market for this type of thing. Would anyone want my design and CAD skills?

What do you all think?


Patrick Rescued attachment logo.jpg
Rescued attachment logo.jpg

Paul TigerB6 - 12/9/08 at 07:50 AM

"what..... more mojo for me to steal??"

DarrenW - 12/9/08 at 08:14 AM

I really like that logo. Simple, effective and for some odd reason looks familiar.
Well done.

Mr Whippy - 12/9/08 at 09:57 AM


oh gods its an austin mini too there is only one thing for it...

Paul TigerB6 - 12/9/08 at 10:06 AM

I do hope nobody pinches it!! The boys in blue will think you are taking the p!ss if you call them to say someone has stolen your Mojo

donut - 12/9/08 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
I do hope nobody pinches it!! The boys in blue will think you are taking the p!ss if you call them to say someone has stolen your Mojo