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Ratty GRP shell seat
CNHSS1 - 20/8/24 at 08:43 PM

Looking for a tatty GRP generic kit car non upholstered race style 'shell' seat to cut n shut to fit my sons hillclimber. I've done one before for my car, and worked a treat.
What have you got squirrelled away?


HowardB - 20/8/24 at 08:53 PM

I got a floor mounted one.. not tatty as it's never been used .... pics here and in my photo archive Seat1

CNHSS1 - 21/8/24 at 02:26 PM

Might work, how much?

HowardB - 21/8/24 at 03:47 PM

u2u sent - other pics here linky