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theconrodkid - 26/10/05 at 07:04 PM

check out the names and places

JoelP - 26/10/05 at 07:40 PM


steve_gus - 27/10/05 at 07:01 PM

nearby beaver

seriously, after 40+ years of racial reform, the USA is still pretty fcuked up....... in this country that priest would be in court



sgraber - 29/10/05 at 04:52 AM

Hmmm - Only in America. Yes, yes I see your point...

Cita - 29/10/05 at 06:20 AM

the price you pay for freedom of speech!

Same thing could happen here in Europe,the only difference is that the priest would try to find another (legal) reason

Cita - 29/10/05 at 06:28 AM

Originally posted by steve_gus
nearby beaver

seriously, after 40+ years of racial reform, the USA is still pretty fcuked up....... in this country that priest would be in court



Like Rev. "Dr." Ian Paisley ?

theconrodkid - 29/10/05 at 07:35 AM

i was refering to names and places only,miss bumgardner,beaver and happy valley

sgraber - 29/10/05 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
i was refering to names and places only,miss bumgardner,beaver and happy valley

OK, I'll take that. - Now back to Chastity BumGardener... What a name. Hope she has a cute ass, but knowing what girls from Ohio look like I quite seriously doubt it!

kevano - 29/10/05 at 05:43 PM

bum gardener is that of the up hill variety!!!

Peteff - 29/10/05 at 07:12 PM

Someone who shoves sh!t uphill without a barrow

steve_gus - 29/10/05 at 10:30 PM

Mr Paisley is a member of government. If he was saying or doing things that were racist Im pretty sure he would have to resign.



Originally posted by Cita
Originally posted by steve_gus
nearby beaver

seriously, after 40+ years of racial reform, the USA is still pretty fcuked up....... in this country that priest would be in court



Like Rev. "Dr." Ian Paisley ?

Noodle - 30/10/05 at 10:20 AM

Originally posted by steve_gus
Mr Paisley is a member of government. If he was saying or doing things that were racist Im pretty sure he would have to resign.



Originally posted by Cita
Originally posted by steve_gus
nearby beaver

seriously, after 40+ years of racial reform, the USA is still pretty fcuked up....... in this country that priest would be in court



Like Rev. "Dr." Ian Paisley ?

Many people have difficulty differentiating nationalism from racism.

Some people will try and deliberately confuse the two to the detriment of their political opponents.

I don't think the Rev IP has expressed any views that could ever be construed as racist has he?

BTW - No affiliations with either bunch of loonies.


Cita - 30/10/05 at 10:33 AM

Do some search from where he got his "Dr." tittle!

steve_gus - 30/10/05 at 01:10 PM

too much hard work!

I agree that paisley is VERY Nationalist, but ive never hear him use racist words like ni^^er, c*on, dar&ie, or the like.

Perhaps Cita you could do the hard work and find something that has Mr Paisley taking a 'pop' at blacks. I dont think you will find it...



Cita - 30/10/05 at 05:12 PM

Well Steve if a simple search is too much hard work than I guess you're not realy interested to find out.

He received his honorary Doctor tittle (Doctor of Divinity) from the Bob Jones University in South Carolina.
At the time he received his Dr. tittle this University was segregational and banned Afro-Americans from the campus.
That makes it clear how he thinks about racism towards Afro-Americans.

Cheers Cita.

steve_gus - 30/10/05 at 07:31 PM

You could do a simple search yourself and see if Ian Paisley is racist against black people, rather than just quoting a loose association.



[Edited on 30/10/05 by steve_gus]

Cita - 30/10/05 at 07:43 PM

He was a close friend of Bob James Jr. and that man can hardly be called being Afro-American friendly.
If one of your close friends is of that caliber than I would not call that a 'loose association"

Cheers Cita

Noodle - 30/10/05 at 08:10 PM

I feel a pithy aphorism coming on...

No. It's gone.


p.s. I've associated with some right nasty b'stards in my time. I've even lent spanners to a chap who got life. Please don't judge me too harshly though. I am a product of my time and environment.

steve_gus - 30/10/05 at 08:36 PM

still didnt answer my question Cita....



Cita - 30/10/05 at 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Noodle
I feel a pithy aphorism coming on...

No. It's gone.


p.s. I've even lent spanners to a chap who got life. Please don't judge me too harshly though. I am a product of my time and environment.

Did you lend them (spanners)before or after he got life?
If you lend them after he got life than you're a nice guy to help people who made somebody else's life a hell.
If you lend them before he got a life sentence than there's nothing wrong unless you knew he would use the spanners to commit the crime he got life for.

Cheers Cita

Noodle - 30/10/05 at 10:57 PM

I lent them before.

His crime was commited with a knife.

Unpleasant fellow.

Hmmm, I'm not helping Wolverhampton's already tarnished image here.

steve_gus - 31/10/05 at 12:35 AM

our morals are judged by who we lend spanners to?



theconrodkid - 31/10/05 at 06:08 AM


NS Dev - 31/10/05 at 12:21 PM

I am staying out of the debate but in response to Noodle's posts, I NEVER judge people. I may be scared/concerned/not like them, but I don't judge them.

If they have a conviction, so be it, that's their life. As long as they don't affect mine, no problem.

One has to remember how easy it is to be convicted of something pretty awful. Not all murderers are serial killers "like in the movies" some are normal people that had a terrible day once in their lives, which they now have to live with forever.

Anyhoo, enough of my rambling!

Jumpy Guy - 31/10/05 at 01:21 PM

I think that you should tread very carefully here, there are numerouse ongoing discussions about Ian Paisley and his association with the rightwing racist 'monday club', and his contiunued speech giving there..

"The Monday Club was formed in the 1960s by hard-right conservative supporters of white settlers in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Its views were so extreme that in 2001 Iain Duncan Smith, one of the most right-wing Conservative leaders in history, suspended the party’s links with the group.

Three Tory MPs were forced to resign from the Club, which party chairman David Davis said was promulgating unacceptable views on race,” such as voluntary repatriation of immigrants.

The Monday Club may have lost its link to the Tories, but it contacts with the DUP seem to be thriving. Among the speakers at the 2002 DUP conference was Dennis Walker, a former Rhodesian cabinet minister.

Tony Blair has mentioned this in his past two Irish DUP speeches, with a call that "it is essential that the DUP learn to moderate their views on race"

as said before, I have no links to either band of loonies...

benji106 - 31/10/05 at 06:38 PM

well there are people out there with all kind of crazy opinions, like this nutter for example:

flak monkey - 31/10/05 at 06:43 PM

Good example of a black racist...makes a change to see one publicly thats all.