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How dumb are some Americans?
donut - 30/3/07 at 09:57 AM

Mr Whippy - 30/3/07 at 11:43 AM

sorry I just can stop laughing...superb!!

have they ever seen a map?!?!?!?

JAG - 30/3/07 at 12:29 PM

We all know that a small minority of any countries population is stupid - and that includes the UK

You guys should remember that there are loads of bright, intelligent and skilled members of this board that hail from t'other side of the pond.

I don't want them to think that us Brits' are laughing at all Americans. Stereotypes are dangerous things.

[Edited on 30/3/07 by JAG]

Mr Whippy - 30/3/07 at 12:37 PM


You guys should remember that there are loads of bright, intelligent and skilled members of this board that hail from t'other side of the pond.


I've sure there laughing just as much...

cool avatar by the way

violentblue - 30/3/07 at 04:40 PM

We had something similar to this in canada, an entire 1 hour special, "Talking to Americans"

infact, I believe the host convinced the student body of Stanford University to organise a Demonstration against the Horrible Canadian practice of leaving their elderly on iceburgs to die, and at Berkley against the anual Wooly Mamoth hunt, in Saskachewan. (for the americans who visit this board, wooly mamoths have been extinct for for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, and no we don't leave our elderly on iceburgs to die, infact very few of us have actually seen an ice burg.)

[Edited on 30/3/07 by violentblue]

Confused but excited. - 30/3/07 at 11:29 PM

How dumb are some Americans?

I don't know. How many voted for Bush?

I rest my case m'lud.

jdgar - 31/3/07 at 01:13 AM

Not as many as you might think! Remember he was first "Elected" by the Supreme Court. Anyway, rid of him soon as he can't run another term. (as if he could get elected another term!)
End of political statement!

smart51 - 31/3/07 at 08:04 AM

After a while, I thought that the tape must have been edited so that the answers were to different questions. Still, it reinforces a great stereotype.

Marlon - 31/3/07 at 05:23 PM

Oh my giddy aunt!
The people in that video Are beyond belief!

JoelP - 31/3/07 at 06:30 PM

love the bit with the map

But as said, you could film that anywhere given enough time.

MikeRJ - 31/3/07 at 09:08 PM

Absolutely, I'm sure a significant percentage of the population in the UK would give equaly dumb answers.

tegwin - 31/3/07 at 10:30 PM

I love one of the comments on a similar movie...

USA- the country where the smartbombs are smarter than the people!

I have met a few of them from over the pond and some have been super inteligent like all of us on the forum, and some have not been quite so bright, just like the lads from the UK "lets stick cardboard bodykits on a novas and rev the engines cause its 'bo'"

RK - 1/4/07 at 04:14 PM

Anybody's a good target if you ask the right question at the right time. Geography is not well taught most places in the world from my experience. For example, most English people I've met refuse to believe Great Britain is actually in Europe! What a concept!

iiyama - 2/4/07 at 06:15 PM

Didnt realise it was IN Europe myself. Was under the impression it was part of the EU though.....

Tralfaz - 2/4/07 at 08:17 PM

Nice to see idiocy affects both sides of the pond.

Neville Jones - 2/4/07 at 08:55 PM

I work for and with americans. As a generalisation, they are porly schooled in geography and history, if it is to do with anything outside the usa. Even then, they don't seem to have the same knowledge of there own country and its histry as I was taught in uk.

If anything, that tapoe is understated at least by my experience.


Peteff - 2/4/07 at 10:42 PM

No, they refuse to accept that Great Britain is in Europe

greggors84 - 4/4/07 at 08:39 PM

When in Florida for spring break last year we went to Hooters, there was 3 of us English guys and a Swedish lad. On noticing our funny accents she asked us where we were from, after saying we were from England and he was from Sweden she said "Whats the difference"!

Ok Hooters probably doesnt give the best cross section of american minds and she had never been out the state of Florida!

RK - 4/4/07 at 09:42 PM

Well, you didn't want her for her mind anyhow, did you?

sgraber - 5/4/07 at 01:56 PM


Yup - We 'Mericuns are purdy stooopid.

Only 300 million of us tho. Not enuf. We're screwing like bunnies to catch up to the chyneese and them indiens folk that handle all of our manufacturing and technicul support. Gotta make more stooopid peepoles so we can buy some more sheeet and call technicul support.

But seriously. America is a big fat juicy target isn't it? I am pleased that everyone is getting their jabs in before things get really serious. Then it will be, "oh America, come save us (again)!" Mark my words.

Uneducated people exist everywhere. Imagine! In the UK some schools are going to stop teaching about the holocaust because it conflicts with the denial teachings at the Mosque.... !!! Now you tell me which is more stupid? Not knowing geography, or cowing to a religion that denies the holocaust, ON YOUR OWN SOIL!!!!

My wish is that at some point you America haters (and yes, you are) will come to see the light that we are your friends. So go ahead and vent your frustrations towards us. It bothers me, yes. But suprisingly I do know a little more than you think, so I will grin and bear it. Sheesh.

Steve Graber
An EDUCATED American.

gazza285 - 5/4/07 at 10:05 PM

Remind me again, Steve, how many wars have the Americans won exactly?

Peteff - 5/4/07 at 11:03 PM

Independence ring any bells ? And they bombed the hell out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the help of some imported scientists

"oh America, come save us (again)!"
I'm with you on most points Steve but I think you're stretching credibility a bit there.
Out of interest were any of your ancestors Amish?

sgraber - 5/4/07 at 11:12 PM

Peteff, I know, a little over the top with the "save us thing"... sorry. But please don't forget WWI, WWII and Independence. Those might mean something to the UK? I don't know. Just guessing.

My point is, why does it seem like you forget who your friends are? Let me guess, with friends like us, who needs enemies? LOL.

Does it make you guys feel better to poke fun at the 'stupid' Americans? Sure it does! Have you asked yourself why? Let me point you to the reason:

I've been a member of this group since it formed as an alternative to TOL. And I have always come on here with the sense that I am an outsider to the core group. Over that time I've tried to present my ideas, comments, jokes and yes, my nationality in a good light. So when I come on here for a little fun and relaxation and I find yet again that 'fun' is another overt, bigoted poke in the eye, it's obvious to me that there is prejudice in every society. Are you upset that I am calling you out on it?

Nothing personal right? Just making observations about human nature.

BTW- Amish!? Would you believe that I am Mennonite? really. But not a pacifist any more.

Peteff - 5/4/07 at 11:56 PM

Steve, I've never slagged the Americans on here or anywhere else. America's WW1 involvement was due to the Lusitania as far as I've read. Woodrow Wilson sent reinforcements in April 1917 when France and Britain had been at war with Germany for 3 years. WWII was another story if you want to put it in perspective Wikipedia
You are not calling me out on anything so why should I be upset, I only come on here for fun as well. I only asked about the Amish thing because it seems a common Amish name from reading on the web. If you want to take the p!ss just google Jade Goody quotes, we all have our share of them

RK - 6/4/07 at 03:35 AM

C'mon Steve, you've never called them Limeys before???? Comments about other countries are too easy. So we all do it - just not usually on a public forum.

This is where it's great coming from a place absolutely nobody cares about, or has an opinion on - he said smugly.

[Edited on 6/4/07 by RK]

violentblue - 6/4/07 at 03:41 AM

not as bad as them damn Canadians though

[Edited on 6/4/07 by violentblue]

violentblue - 6/4/07 at 03:44 AM

its quite obvious that the tape was edited for maximum effect, drop a camera in my home town and see what a lot we are. we won't look any brigter, but we be a lot nicer to you.

RK - 6/4/07 at 03:56 AM

Hey are you another refugee from the coast?

sgraber - 6/4/07 at 05:06 AM

My apologies Pete. When I said 'you', I meant it in the general sense. I've always known you to take the high road and have always held you in high regard.

Lusitania was the trigger and before long USA had drafted 4 million men and was sending over 10,000/day to Europe to help out. But that's neither here nor there. Apparently history means more to some than others.

Let's just set the record straight. I say to
myself on a regular basis how I think that 95% of the entire population is a bunch of idiots. And what I really mean 95% of the population of the entire planet! Maybe it's higher than that! I mean, doesn't anyone THINK logically anymore?! So I am an equal opportunity slagger.

Originally posted by Peteff
Steve, I've never slagged the Americans on here or anywhere else. America's WW1 involvement was due to the Lusitania as far as I've read. Woodrow Wilson sent reinforcements in April 1917 when France and Britain had been at war with Germany for 3 years. WWII was another story if you want to put it in perspective Wikipedia
You are not calling me out on anything so why should I be upset, I only come on here for fun as well. I only asked about the Amish thing because it seems a common Amish name from reading on the web. If you want to take the p!ss just google Jade Goody quotes, we all have our share of them

Alan B - 6/4/07 at 03:05 PM

Having lived in the US 1/4 of my life I think I can say that the US and UK idiot/smart ratios are very similar......I.E. scarily high.

Living here you get to realise that some of the sterotypes of US life aren't quite accurate.....many are, of course......and vice versa many US sterotypes of UK life are wrong too.

I've met and know Steve personally and he's a pretty sharp guy (for a yank..ooops sorry Steve)...seriously he really is a great guy.

My biggest gripes here?....the sport in general is shite...misuse of the word aniversary....and lack of pot noodles...

JoelP - 6/4/07 at 04:42 PM

they dont do pot noodles?!

sgraber - 6/4/07 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
they dont do pot noodles?!

Is that some sort of sheeps intestine thing!?

scotty g - 6/4/07 at 05:17 PM

its like normal noodles only the welsh dig it out of mines!
Every culture has a steriotype of other countries, for instance Americans around Hollywood seem to think that all Brits speak with a naff cockney accent!
I can honestly say that personally i would rather that England was a State within the USA that part of the EU, plus we would have a great supply of cheap V8s!

Alan B - 6/4/07 at 05:19 PM

There are instant noodle type meals over here...Ramen noodles for instance, but they are utter tasteless crap compared with pot noodles....someone importing pot noodles over here would make a killing...

Alan B - 6/4/07 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by scotty g
..............I can honestly say that personally i would rather that England was a State within the USA that part of the EU, plus we would have a great supply of cheap V8s!

As bizzare as that suggestion seems I actually agree...if the UK wants to become part of some bigger community why not join up with fellow english (sort of) speakers, who have some cool s h i t and are hardly foreigners at all....

In the time I've been away I hear about wine and worries me, it really does.....

iiyama - 6/4/07 at 05:44 PM

and dollars and ryw whisky dosent?? Yak! LOL!

RK - 6/4/07 at 11:08 PM

You English need to spend more time in Italy, you really do... Don't like learning languages? Well, that's what they have to do isn't it? It's not so bad, trust me.

And coming from what many Americans refer to as the 51st state, I can tell you, you are better off with other Europeans. At least in the EU, you've got other countries to back you up in trade disputes. Americans are great; I just don't want to be one.

iiyama - 7/4/07 at 02:47 PM

Speak a little French, a little German and a little Russian, so I aint doin to bad!

violentblue - 7/4/07 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by RK
Hey are you another refugee from the coast?


RK - 7/4/07 at 09:50 PM

Me too. Came east because of the cost of housing in the lower mainland. Now it's worse. Saving like a madman, except for this little project of course.

stevec - 19/4/07 at 08:35 AM

I could never get my head round a nation who can put a man on the moon. but cant put handles on carrier bags.

David Jenkins - 19/4/07 at 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Alan B
someone importing pot noodles over here would make a killing...

Literally, over a period of time...

(disgusting stuff)

BTW: I'm in the camp that says that every population has a fixed proportion of idiots. The US just has a bigger population, and the idiots are more visible*.
There are places in the UK where you can find idiots en masse - but I'm not going to say where on this forum! I'm not starting a county dispute - a country dispute is bad enough...

* "more visible" as in there's a load of TV companies who like to go out and find the pillocks, and display them to the world.

And who mentioned Jade Goody? Go and wash your mouth out with soap and water!

[Edited on 19/4/07 by David Jenkins]

Mr Whippy - 19/4/07 at 11:31 AM

Ownk!! Rescued attachment jade.jpg
Rescued attachment jade.jpg

scotty g - 19/4/07 at 04:32 PM

(quote) There are places in the UK where you can find idiots en masse

I used to live close to a place called South Molton (too close for comfort) down in sunny Devon, very scary people there, stay away, you have been warned.
Think webbed toes, lazy eyes, that sort of thing.

trogdor - 20/4/07 at 10:01 AM

in my own experiences i have found americans to be lovely people all the ones i have met and talked too. That said only 8% of americans have a passport so i wonder what the average american is like?

however i am not a fan of america the country, but then i ain't a fan of the uk either.

the video was really funny and unbelieveable that said i was talking to my girlfriend about it and she has some surprising shortcomings with geography and she is really intelligent so i guess it depends on the questions being asked!

whitestu - 20/4/07 at 03:31 PM

We've got plenty thickies too.

I met some English lads in Spain a few years ago who couldn't believe that I'd driven there.

They had absolutely no idea whereabouts on the planet they were.
