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rivet nuts
mkblade - 12/2/08 at 12:08 AM

can anyone tell me the correct drill size i need for the following rivet nuts


many thanks simon

flak monkey - 12/2/08 at 07:58 AM

Depends what rivet nuts you get. They all need different drill sizes unfortunately.

Search for 'insert nut' on


02GF74 - 12/2/08 at 10:20 AM

6 mm for M4 aluminium rivet nut.

David Jenkins - 12/2/08 at 12:15 PM

The best solution is to measure the rivnut diameter with a digital vernier (they're cheap enough, if you haven't got one already).

Once measured, go up to the next highest drill size - but no bigger. For example, if the diameter is 6.03mm then go to 6.1mm.

I bought 3 drills with the ideal diameter for the 3 sizes of rivnut I used in my car. These came from Tracy Tools (easily found on Google) and they are kept separate from all my other bits so they're always available (and sharp!).

James - 12/2/08 at 03:30 PM

As said by others... the hole size depends on the particular riv-nut so measure the ones you have!

I found the thinner walled rivnuts with ridges down the side were much, much easier to set.


Macbeast - 12/2/08 at 04:36 PM

Whatever happened to experimentation ?

My CBS Rivnut tool says :

Steel: M8 - 11mm, M6 - 9mm, M5 - 7mm, M4 - 6mm, M3 - 4.6mm.

Aluminium: M6 - 9mm, M5 - 7 mm, M4 - 6mm, M3 - 5mm.

And adds check if buying from different manufacturer cos size may vary slightly.

Kaspa - 15/2/08 at 07:15 AM

A word of warning try and avoid alloy rivnuts, if at all posible ; the threads are as weak as chinese tea.
and as someone has already sugested get the surrated edge ones , you will find they grip a lot better into alloy and you dont wind up with a spinning rivnut you cant get the bolt out of.
cheers Kaspa