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Mortified ! - Sale Agreed
Wheels244 - 12/8/11 at 08:17 PM

I'm in shock !

I've just agreed the sale of my MNR - not an easy decision to make for me.

I advertised it on Pistonheads as some of you will know.

It's got to be said - the world has more than it's fair share of tyrekickers !!!

I entered into quite lengthy email correspondance with a few people, who showed a great deal of interest - right up until the point of discussing doing a deal - and then the emails go unanswered ! What on earth possesses people to got to the bother of all of that if they have no intention of buying ?? - It's beyond me .

I also got offered some 'interesting' px's and swaps !

Anyway, I suppose it only takes one genuine person to buy it and he found me. It's got to be said it's going to another owner who will look after as well as I did and we've even discussed going to trackdays together as he lives relatively close.
A genuinly nice guy who has promised me 1st refusal on it if he ever sells it.

Never fear - I've already got a few irons in the fire for the next project - watch this space

All I've got to contend with now is the gut wrenching sight of seeing someone drive off in my pride and joy that I put so much effort into building

[Edited on 12/8/11 by Wheels244]

hector - 13/8/11 at 07:35 AM

Ditto all your above comments when I sold my Viento turbo, there's a lot of timewasters around unfortunately.
However the chap that bought mine was a greaat chap, said he was getting train down I agreed to pick him up from station, took him to my house and we did the deal.
It was saddening to see/hear you pride and joy drive away from your house, but hey theres always the option to build again!!!!!!

cheers Colin

Dangle_kt - 13/8/11 at 08:28 AM

its not a pleasant experience seeing it drive away, its a big part of your life if you think about the hours building, thinking, planning, fixing, modding, cleaning and driving I'd say at one point I was spending a fair chunk of all my spare time either thinking about a job on the car, staring at said job, and about 1/10th of the time actually doing it.

I gave it one last pat on the wheel arch, I realised too late that it was going for good.

Still, its not all bad, the cash I've got from the sale has so far bought me a cheap fazer 600, which I'm enjoying. I'll be buying a small trials bike for my lads and a cheap MX bike for me.

3 bikes for one car, and £3k left over for the house...I cant really complain, as sad as I was to see it go

[Edited on 13/8/11 by Dangle_kt]

coozer - 13/8/11 at 10:11 AM

Not sure why you think its a gut wrench to see it go.. surely you came to terms with selling it before you put it up for sale?

Why be mortified to see it go after you've made the decision to sell? I don't understand!

Wheels244 - 13/8/11 at 10:17 AM

I think
''my pride and joy that I put so much effort into building''
just about covers it

Johneturbo - 13/8/11 at 11:56 AM

Watching the car you built and put so much effort go up in flames now thats mortifying. surely not selling it!

i've been thinking about selling mine. but only for the right price.. they are only cars

Wheels244 - 13/8/11 at 12:11 PM

"they are only cars"

Not to me it's not. I took a load of parts that were never really designed to work together, put them together so they do work and then got the car through a very stringent test.
But, each to their own - it would be a strange world if we were all the same.
I just happen to have a real affinity for my car - maybe I'm odd.

Johneturbo - 13/8/11 at 12:37 PM

"I took a load of parts that were never really designed to work together"

Thats a bit harsh on mnr

Wheels244 - 13/8/11 at 12:45 PM

I actually meant R1 engine turned through 90 degrees and put in car etc

OX - 13/8/11 at 05:04 PM

Yeah each to their own but I'm sure you'll put the money to good use

I wasn't sad to see my car go but then i delivered mine to the dude's door so maybe the car was sad to see me go

I enjoyed putting the car together ,enjoyed the time spent in the car and i enjoyed the money after selling it so the way i see it is win win win