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Passed IVA
Lightybob - 27/9/11 at 06:15 PM

Superb day,

Locost 7

Passed my IVA today at Beverley, 2nd attempt, very minor fails at the 1st attempt, but that's behind me now!

Hoping the documentation comes through before the weather changes.

I went straight to the DVLA on the way back from Beverley, when I got back to the car 2 guys were checking it out, one asked

me if I would sell it, felt good, some justification for all the effort and hard work, even though I've enjoyed every single

minute. Mind you it got me thinking, definitely would like to build another!

But I am going to enjoy this experience first, besides need to finish it with a nice paint job and I fancy doing some track days

and possibly hill climbing.

Are there any motor clubs etc in my area? [Leeds] if so where and when do they meet.

Thanks to all the members for all the help and valuable information on this site.

big_wasa - 27/9/11 at 06:29 PM

Well done

Daddylonglegs - 27/9/11 at 06:40 PM


BTW, I noticed you registered on the site in June this year. Did you scratch build or part build? And when did you start?

Just asking as I'm interested how long from start to finish.


CRAIGR - 27/9/11 at 06:43 PM

Well done .

HowardB - 27/9/11 at 07:17 PM

congratulations! Well done!

Lightybob - 27/9/11 at 07:27 PM

I bought the car as an unfinished project on ebay, it has had 4 owners, the last owner had the car for almost 8 years just sat in his garage.

The car looked right, i made contact with the guy who built the chassis and body, he's a coach builder so that explained why the body was so good.

The car was running in a fashion, it was wired, but that caught fire after a run up the road, almost lost the whole car! Any I stripped it completely and started again. For 3 months I worked 12 hour days nearly 7 days a week.

I had just lost my job, and still struggling to find the right position, in some ways this car has been a tonic, it kept me busy and motivated.

Anyway, rewired the car, sorted the engine and brakes, changed the dash etc etc.

Spent a fortune, [so the wife tells me] but really enjoyed the experience.

rb968 - 27/9/11 at 07:28 PM

Well done!

Proby - 27/9/11 at 07:52 PM

Well done, congratulations!!!!

skidmark - 27/9/11 at 08:53 PM

Good work - well done!

stevegough - 28/9/11 at 07:46 AM

Sounds like a 'well done' is due in more ways than one - getting your through IVA despite the personal problems you've had to overcome getting the car to completion is quite some achievement.

Congratulations - hope you get it on the road before the weather starts turning nasty

And when you do...TAKE IT EASY - these cars are fantastic to drive, but you have to learn to drive them.