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Sky news moronic report
coyoteboy - 17/5/12 at 10:37 AM

Dear god. First law, people. And that turbine shroud would never pass an IVA.

adithorp - 17/5/12 at 10:49 AM

...but you've got to love the wings on the back!

balidey - 17/5/12 at 11:13 AM

Love the way that the people who know better are called 'critics'

Slater - 17/5/12 at 11:13 AM

it looks like a scaled up Lego toy.

Irony - 17/5/12 at 11:26 AM

Surely any extra energy created by the spinning blades will be negated by the extra force it takes to move the car along the road with the fan attached? Unless he constantly parks on very windy streets of course.

coyoteboy - 17/5/12 at 11:28 AM

Exactly Irony - apparently technology reporters for Sky are completely unaware of the basics of efficiency and energy conservation.

maccmike - 17/5/12 at 11:34 AM

good on him for trying. a £1000 to a poor farmer is a lot of dosh.

AllWeatherDan - 17/5/12 at 12:00 PM

If your going to put a fan on a car!

At least do it properly!!!


Paul_C - 17/5/12 at 01:20 PM

My prefered car with a fan was the Chaparral 2J shiown in the video at
They did other neat things like a composite monocoque tub in the 2A and suspension mouted wings on the 2E.

MikeRJ - 17/5/12 at 01:33 PM

Originally posted by maccmike
good on him for trying. a £1000 to a poor farmer is a lot of dosh.

Which is exactly why he should have done a bit more research before wasting it...

Furyous - 18/5/12 at 07:00 AM

This is my favourite fanned car.

I think he has to take the propeller off to be road legal, though.