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Locost, Saudi style !!!
clanger - 5/8/09 at 08:34 PM

Not too many problems getting caught in a rain shower whilst building outside methinks !!

Saudi Locosters

[Edited on 5/8/09 by clanger]

roadrunner - 5/8/09 at 08:36 PM

I like how the steel was delivered.

roadrunner - 5/8/09 at 08:41 PM

I must admit it looks a bit rough around the edges, but good on them to do it, they only look about fifteen.

omega0684 - 5/8/09 at 08:45 PM

not to my liking im afraid but every one to their own

Howlor - 5/8/09 at 08:55 PM

I'm amazed their skirts didn't catch fire with the welding!

mads - 5/8/09 at 09:00 PM

fair play to them - i don't know how to weld.

car looks like a cross between a seven and a rolls from the front (what with the big grill and square look)

UncleFista - 5/8/09 at 09:10 PM

Big round of applause from me

Makes a change from all the white 4x4s on their roads

AdrianH - 5/8/09 at 09:38 PM

Potential future car builders full time, high praise from me.

To take what you can get hold of, have an idea and then build it is very good. Considering there is no pre made fibreglass panels, its make your own even the wheel arches all from steel.
Very well done.



tegwin - 5/8/09 at 09:49 PM

Im impressed.... although a little scared by some of the design and welding...

But as has been said.... from 100% raw materials, that is mighty impressive!

morcus - 5/8/09 at 09:56 PM

Its amazing for what it is, even if the front end looks stupidly big but I suppose it would have to due to the engine.

Liam - 5/8/09 at 10:37 PM

Not a looker, but that wasn't really the point. Great effort for some college kids who wanted it cheap and fast! Anyone notice the electric supercharger?


goodall - 6/8/09 at 12:19 AM

i think the front grill would suit clamshell wings better than cycle wings

its a good grounding and a way for them to develop there skills i say thumbs up

i noticed they said about the electric supercharger only a joke to tell the locals that gives extra 50bhp, tbh the locals about here believe that aswell

t.j. - 6/8/09 at 07:42 AM

A bit scared about the wiring
and the front looks a bit like this:

[Edited on 6/8/09 by t.j.]

Guinness - 6/8/09 at 08:03 AM

Excellent work from the lads there!

I'm loving the typical "Locost" scenes we've all probably had at some point:-

1. Photos of the welder, angry grinder and chop saw, and gas bottles.
2. Tacking the first tubes together on the build board.
3. The spare front seat out of the donor, used as somewhere to sit while pondering how to do the compound mitre angles.
4. The big pool of oil from the gearbox on your dads drive
5. The wiring loom!
6. The finished photos, with proud "dads" in front of it!

I think they've done brilliantly given the donor they had, the materials and cash (they said they get 850, which is about £125).

Well done lads.


nick205 - 6/8/09 at 08:15 AM

Top effort in my book - I'd be pleased with my work if I were them. OK, the styling is a not quite there, but as mentioned I don't think that was necessarily the point of the excercise.

RE: the skirts catching fire comment, there's non of them wearing anything more than a flip-flop either - not to good for fending off weld spatter

Liam - 6/8/09 at 12:21 PM

Aw - what a shame - looks like they tried to register on here, but apparently we now have some ott phone verification system??? Anything that can be done?


eccsmk - 6/8/09 at 12:42 PM

top work
im not sure i like the shape alot but at least they have made a scratch built car
i wouldnt know where to start TBH

iank - 6/8/09 at 01:58 PM

Wiring looks no worse than some of the pictures I've seen on here.

I'd be happy to drive something I'd designed and built myself. Buying a chassis and bolting on bought fibreglass may produce something prettier but at the end of the day will never give the same level of warm 'made it myself'.

Finally the OTT phone registration requirement was introduced to deal with a specific bit of abuse from "ggnore". Initially abusing some members of the forum (mainly flak) and then posting large volumes of extremely unpleasant porn.
Fozzie can manually add people I believe See

hamad.alnawwar - 6/8/09 at 02:28 PM

thanks everyone for the kind words

i want to post the thread here but im not shore where exactly to post it

any help ?

Fozzie - 6/8/09 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by iank
Wiring looks no worse than some of the pictures I've seen on here.

I'd be happy to drive something I'd designed and built myself. Buying a chassis and bolting on bought fibreglass may produce something prettier but at the end of the day will never give the same level of warm 'made it myself'.

Finally the OTT phone registration requirement was introduced to deal with a specific bit of abuse from "ggnore". Initially abusing some members of the forum (mainly flak) and then posting large volumes of extremely unpleasant porn.
Fozzie can manually add people I believe See

The phone verification system was introduced ages ago......

Yes, initially because of the repeat sign ups by ggnore and the like repeatedly posting bad pr0n, and latterly, because of spam and bots.....OTT? nope.......far from it, not to protect you lot, and the site......

I cannot manually add people......the guy in that link had problems registering, because there was a glitch at that time.....
It resulted in a slightly different registration format.

We have people signing up and registering from around the world, who have not had a problem with the phone verification.......
I 'think' it may be the price of a local call, but I will check that with ChrisW


Fozzie - 6/8/09 at 02:45 PM

Originally posted by hamad.alnawwar
thanks everyone for the kind words

i want to post the thread here but im not shore where exactly to post it

any help ?

Ah you are here!

Locost Related (this section) will be fine
Have a read through the sections, you will soon get the hang of it...


wilkingj - 7/8/09 at 07:10 AM

Yo!... A very worthy effort.. Well done chaps.

What you building next? I notice there are three of you and only one car built. Just two more to go now!

Keep up the good work.

ChrisW - 7/8/09 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
We have people signing up and registering from around the world, who have not had a problem with the phone verification.......
I 'think' it may be the price of a local call, but I will check that with ChrisW

It's on a standard London '0207' number, no premium rate or anything stupid like that, and takes most people less than 2 minutes to go through the process.

I'm fairly confident there are very few, if any, places in the world where this call would break into two figures of pence. My attitude has been that if you don't want to spend a few pence to verify your account, we probably don't want you here anyway.


Jasper - 8/8/09 at 12:22 PM

Excellent work chaps - and welcome to the forum. That's what locost building is all about