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Viper - 25/11/02 at 07:56 PM

So what constitutes a lowcost?

bsilly - 25/11/02 at 09:39 PM

spendin more than you wanted to...goin overboard on bits yer dont need...trying to compete with bmw production line...beliving that the "book" is the dogs bxxxkx... i could go on but i wont any more for any more.....

locodude - 25/11/02 at 10:53 PM

Anyhow, it's Locost, not Lowcost (that's Tiger's foray into the world of budget 7's) or Locust (they're a ladder frame with wooden panels skinned in ally). Sorry to be pedantic, oh just a minute,no I'm not. I allways do it!

scutter - 25/11/02 at 11:36 PM

Who you Chris!

bob - 26/11/02 at 08:44 PM

Or was it a night mare

scutter - 26/11/02 at 09:36 PM

Bleeding nightmare putting it up in that wind whilst you lot were drinking beer.

Anyway there were some green bits on it!.

steve m - 28/11/02 at 09:28 PM

scutter and the rest wont get this one
but bob and hicost will

at donnington a 3 years ago i had green bits inside my tent

and diced carrots in some type of sauce

scutter - 28/11/02 at 10:21 PM

Didn't know that they delivered pizza to the campsite at Donnington!

chrisg - 28/11/02 at 10:21 PM

Vomit i presume!

You know that there's always diced carrot in sick - even if you never ate a carrot in your life, When you shut your eyes to up-chuck, the sick fairy throws them in!

It's true honest.


Dr Chris

bob - 28/11/02 at 10:37 PM


Steve i remember the tent being left behind,i wonder how long it stayed up before someone was brave enough to dispose of it.
I still have a larf about that every time i strike camp