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Dreamweaver CS3 Fonts Not Changing
oliwb - 8/4/10 at 09:36 AM

Anyone had this problem before? Doesn't seem to matter if I highlight text and change it or use the CSS properties down the side. My styles all seem to be setup right in terms of the preview and also the CSS sheet but when previewed in a browser they default back to Times New Roman......Any advice??

tegwin - 8/4/10 at 09:41 AM

email me the html and the css files... I will have a look

[Edited on 8/4/10 by tegwin]

oliwb - 8/4/10 at 09:50 AM

they can be seen online at:
I have only just been playing with the index page....


oliwb - 8/4/10 at 09:58 AM

Nevermind - found the problem....had two style 2's setup in the Head section.....Thanks anyway though!
Thats been annoying me for ages!

tegwin - 8/4/10 at 10:03 AM

Thought it would be something like that..

I dont like the way Cs3 automatically creates styles...

Much prefer to type them out myself Maybe its a trust thing.... lol