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OT Sports Therapists
mistergrumpy - 28/4/10 at 07:33 PM

I just wondered if there was any sports therapists or similar on here?
Basically I've had a shoulder, upper back injury for around 7 weeks now. It started at the top back right of the coat hanger type muscle (to be precise) and kind of wandered to the front, into the trapezium (?) and right into the shoulder socket itself. It appears to have settled now on the back and is restricting my head movement to the opposite side a little and giving me small waves of nausea with the ache.
Someone suggested a "rotator cuff" injury tonight and looking on the net at pictures it seems pretty bang on the same area.
Brufen and paracetamol don't touch it any more. Can anyone offer any advice other than don't use it or chop it off because I need it for work

edspurrier - 28/4/10 at 07:46 PM

Rotator cuff injuries don't generally cause pain on neck rotation. Best to have somebody look at you - internet / telephone diagnosis is very difficult and not always accurate.

JoelP - 28/4/10 at 07:49 PM

my bro got diagnosed with rotator cuff problems, and for the last few weeks ive had the aches you described (not bad enough to take painkillers though), and i concluded ive got the same.

No help there really, but i'll be interested in any other replies!

mistergrumpy - 28/4/10 at 08:06 PM

The neck pain on rotation is minimal but more a slight stifness/reduction in movement but you're right Ed I agree someone proper needs to look at it but finding time and money (I'm guessing it'll be expensive!) is something else at the moment. My elbow doesn't know what my arse is doing!
I'm open to being wrong in my diagnosis though, it's in that area that's all.

adithorp - 28/4/10 at 08:38 PM

I've got a cycling mate who has a practice in Stockport. They're good with a long list of sports governing bodies they've worked for. SportsMed...

I'd guess it's nerve related from your description. Pinched nerve causes pain, muscle goes into spasm...


mistergrumpy - 28/4/10 at 08:53 PM

Yeah another big possibility Adi. I've had a trapped nerve in the same place in around 1997 after a small collision in the car.
Cheers for the link.

chrsgrain - 28/4/10 at 10:12 PM

One word of caution, anyone can call themselves a 'sports therapist' with no training or qualifications - make sure you see a chartered physiotherapist as that is a legally protected term (a lot, maybe most, sports therapists are physios, but it is worth making sure)


v8kid - 29/4/10 at 07:48 AM

"One word of caution, anyone can call themselves a 'sports therapist' "

Yes but some are rather good.

I had sever dizzy spells (falling down type) and had brain scans, pills and potions from various respected specialist doctors at vast expence.

A physio gave me some simple exercises and the problem dissapeared over a couple of weeks.

Specialist, who charged me a bob or two prior to seeing the physio says it would have gone away anyhow by itself (after the event)

Gav - 30/4/10 at 12:04 PM

Chirs, there is a near you up by botany bay, called total physio iirc.
The oestopath there called David Gutteridge, he did my back a world of good when i had sciatica (twice )
Was around £30/35 a session

forum doesnt like the link but just google total physio chorley, the website seems to have elapsed but the gogole maps thing ahs the right info

[Edited on 30/4/10 by Gav]

mistergrumpy - 30/4/10 at 12:48 PM

Cheers Gav. The price sounds good too