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i have a big problem i lost keys for a bike
thunderace - 10/11/10 at 10:48 AM

ok guys i have a big problem i lost the key for my brothers bike ,its a ducati st4 and its chiped ,he has not even seen it yet as hes serving in iraq and is back in 2 weeks he wone the bike on ebay and i offered to strip it down and respray it as it has a number of bad scratches on it .i have worked out how to get the seat open and can get a key cut that will fit the tank and the rear pannel as i remover the rear barrel it only has 4 tumblers so the key wont fit the ignition.that has 7 i have been i can remove the petrol cap to respray the tank. im happy to remove the chip if thats possible im looking for a cheep way of geting the bike up and running.
has anyone and good advice for me .
other than find the key as i have gave up looking after 7 days of hunting for it.
if all else fail i will need to go to ducati

jossey - 10/11/10 at 11:17 AM

Wont ordering a key from the ducati be easier and cheaper?

I hear you can order the "red" key and go through the programming of a new key.

ducatti need engine number and vin number and proof of ownership.


[Edited on 10/11/10 by jossey]

yorkshire-engines - 10/11/10 at 12:12 PM

U2U sent