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what annoys you when locosting?
alfasudsprint - 15/9/04 at 01:24 PM

Strange question...well, I have to put up with religious music, VERY badly sung, every sunday, all day! Its a rented garage. Sometimes I use the angle grinder on a piece of scrap to get my own back!
Anyone got similar problems???

john_p_b - 15/9/04 at 01:47 PM

most annoying thing at the moment is being able to do very little due to my hand and my dad trying to be clever taking over the build!

wouldnt mind but i still have to keep paying for parts he's fitting!!

andkilde - 15/9/04 at 02:54 PM

Originally posted by alfasudsprint
Strange question...well, I have to put up with religious music, VERY badly sung, every sunday, all day! Its a rented garage. Sometimes I use the angle grinder on a piece of scrap to get my own back!
Anyone got similar problems???

Ooohh! It's not just me then?
I live in a rough section of town about a block from a large city park. Every weekend the inner city church sets up a stand with massive speakers and bribes the local kiddies with hotdogs soda pop and candy. The spoken words seem benign enough but the songs are right scary brainwashing crap about one's soul being signed over to the deity of the moment. I try desparately not to listen but with the garage door open it's like the chirpy preacher girl is standing next to you.

I'm just worried they're going to switch to Kool-Aid...

OTOH, might cut down on the petty theft, grafitti and vandalism .

Cheers, Ted

mangogrooveworkshop - 15/9/04 at 05:24 PM

I have a muppet of a neighbour that calls the cops when we start the quadbike or working on the car grinding cutting ect. Cops are more interested in the car than the complaint.
Neighbour shouted over that Im a noisy bast**d which I replied that he was an ugly sad t***t and that at least I could be quiet.

phelpsa - 15/9/04 at 05:31 PM

We've got great neighbours, who didn't mind when I went out on my Quadbike at 9 o'clock in the morning on a sunday or when the angle grinder starts up at eleven o'clock at night


Cita - 15/9/04 at 05:38 PM

I have one neighbour who does repair work on cars in his free time,i dont think he will call the cops for me

dave1888 - 15/9/04 at 06:29 PM

The lack of space and the inability to weld annoys me

binraker - 16/9/04 at 04:11 PM

lack of money, space and time to even permit me to start is a bit miffing

[Edited on 16/9/04 by binraker]

zilspeed - 16/9/04 at 04:37 PM

F******' RAIN !!!

phelpsa - 16/9/04 at 04:48 PM

Zilspeed, you live in scotland.


derf - 16/9/04 at 06:01 PM

I work on mine in a basement bellow someone elses house, and there is a leaky pipe, everytime the toilet flushes, it drips water on the floor on the other side, always kinda bothered me.

blueshift - 17/9/04 at 02:32 AM

the probable loss of our garage in april

mangogrooveworkshop - 17/9/04 at 08:02 AM

Originally posted by zilspeed
F******' RAIN !!!

Dont they call Glesgee raintown John?

zilspeed - 17/9/04 at 08:58 PM

Are you no' thinking of East Kilbride

I'm in Cumbernauld - planet of a thousand roundabouts...

zilspeed - 17/9/04 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by phelpsa
Zilspeed, you live in scotland.


I forgot there for a moment...

sgraber - 18/9/04 at 04:50 AM

For me the most annoying thing about my build the last few weeks is the that the day job is taking over every waking hour of my life.

And I'm SALARIED!!!!!


But at least I live in a good neighborhood and the neighbors all like the car. Of course they're always stopping in for a look-see and interrupting my thinking... I hate that too... If you're gonna stop in at least bring a beer for me. Since I can't work while you're standing around starin.!!! aargh.

Fifer - 18/9/04 at 08:38 PM

Worst thing for me is those people who say...
"I got my (whatever) from a 19** scrap car for one pound fifty" when the one I bought cost about five hundred quid

(Mind you, most of these builders cars look S**t)

gazza285 - 19/9/04 at 02:17 AM

Ignorant know-it-all teenagers.

paulf - 19/9/04 at 07:09 PM

The Northamptonshire roads that consist of potholes with a few bits of road in between, and a speed camera at evry smooth bit

I love speed :-P - 19/9/04 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by gazza285
Ignorant know-it-all teenagers.

We arnt all that bad

Avoneer - 22/9/04 at 08:55 PM

The Saxo and Nova boys that want a race at the lights - they have no idea!
And the idiot that pulled up next to me at the traffic lights and said - "is that a Morgan"

phelpsa - 23/9/04 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by gazza285
Ignorant know-it-all teenagers.

Speak for I Love Speed

David Jenkins - 23/9/04 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by gazza285
Ignorant know-it-all teenagers.

As seen on a sign a while ago...

"Employ a teenager while they still know it all"


gazza285 - 23/9/04 at 09:35 PM

I like it!

phelpsa - 24/9/04 at 06:59 AM

Are you the same gazza285 as on Racecar?


gazza285 - 24/9/04 at 09:31 AM

'Tis I, as cantankerous as ever.

barrie sharp - 24/9/04 at 10:09 AM

mine is when people talk about your pride and joy
What kit is it ? 'i built it all 'yea but from what kit?

or did you build it ' Yes ' No you didnt did you?

phelpsa - 24/9/04 at 12:32 PM

I'm Locoster!!

gazza285 - 26/9/04 at 06:32 PM

I know.

phelpsa - 26/9/04 at 07:58 PM

I saw your post on racecar just after I posted the one on here. It's the spelling that gave me away.


wilkingj - 26/9/04 at 09:09 PM

I hate my depression. I hate myself.
I am overweight, pi55ed off, hate my job, and just generally fed up.

I am having a bad time, and "retail therapy" has only made things worse (financially).

So.. I sold my boat, my other Land Rover (My Off Road toy), and the half built Locost. I have cleared the car port, and the garage is next. I am selling the computers - All 3 of them, that only leaves me with the other 7 in the house.
I still have a pile of crap to sell, its all going...

I need to clear out all the hoarded gear I have collected over the last few years.

My neighbours have shown their true colours last year when I put in for planning permission for a 45ft Mast in the garden (I am a Radio Ham as well).
From " I can listen to their mobile phone calls) to casting "Sun Dial Effect" shadows over their house. The fact is they live too far away for that to be true.
I got 8 objecting households. But I managed to beat them. Its made me a nervous wreck. Parish Council were good though.
Its got bugger all to do with mobile Phones, but try telling these "Expert neighbors"! I have been in Comms both professionally and as a hobby for 35 years).

Sod them all... I need to buy (more retail therapy ) a BIG angle grinder, and use it at 3AM. Except the Disc Cutter I bought off Ebay has not arrived despite being bought 3 weeks ago. The ebay "store" are not answering my emails any more (despite being polite).
Damn it... its all going wrong for me.

Sorry Guys (and Gals) I just need to unload and unwind.

Geoff - who is not a happy bunny at the moment.

phelpsa - 26/9/04 at 09:12 PM

Bad luck geoff, I know that radio mast would have made your life 300% better.


wilkingj - 26/9/04 at 09:25 PM

Thanks for the sentiments Adam.

I beat them, and won, I got my Mast, despite their petty arguments.

I have just bought a rover v8, engine, and need to build a frame for it, so I can start and run it as a stationary engine, (no silencers)

I think your the young 'un on the list. Saw you web site, Keep working on it, its worth it. Good luck to you mate.. Have fun whilst you can. Making things with your own hands and brain, is a great asset, it will provide you with invaluable knowlege / experiences.

Thanks for your thoughts..

Best Regards


(there is another Geoff out there, so I have started to sign with the "W" at the end, so I dont get confused!.

blueshift - 27/9/04 at 12:15 AM

hey geoff, you can have our rover v8 frame for free if you want. it's just sitting around gathering rust. Made it to do the same thing as you, "bench" run it without silencers. lovely racket

wilkingj - 27/9/04 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by blueshift
hey geoff, you can have our rover v8 frame for free if you want. it's just sitting around gathering rust. Made it to do the same thing as you, "bench" run it without silencers. lovely racket

Yes Please, I was well down last night, it was not a good weekend, I let both My Coil Srung Tax Free Lightweight Land Rover go, and the Locost project.

Its really bare under the car port. I suppose its for the best.
A good Throbbing V8 will cheer me up!.

U2U me with a phone number or what ever, and we can talk off line.

Geoff (felling a bit better already)

phelpsa - 27/9/04 at 09:41 AM

Thanks geoff, will do.

Glad you got your mast, (just re read it and it all became clear)


Peteff - 27/9/04 at 11:59 AM

Do you own a horse then Geoff? Stable near us gives it away but you have to bring your own bags. .

stephen_gusterson - 27/9/04 at 12:42 PM

I passed my RAE when I was 16 (29 years ago) but lack of funds and unwillingness to learn morse kinda limited things.

My call sign is G7IWM - but Ive not held a license for years.

I cant imagine anyones neighbour willingly wanting someone to have a 45 ft mast in their garden...........



wilkingj - 27/9/04 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Do you own a horse then Geoff? Stable near us gives it away but you have to bring your own bags. .

No I dont have a Hoss!. I would prefer to own a Bull... you get better quality Sh*t !!

Thanks guys (and gals if there are any) You have all cheered me a bit.
