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Savage Switches
Mix - 26/9/05 at 01:14 PM

Here's what I got when I searched for details of Savage switches ar-says--i-m-helen-name_page.html


RI8CHP - 26/9/05 at 01:27 PM

Mac#1 sell a full range of savage switches

DarrenW - 26/9/05 at 02:20 PM

Mix - i cant open the link but the mind boggles as to how savage switches and sex changes can be considered as a similar search topic!!! Even more so is that the Evening chronicle is published just up the road from me. Can anyone else open the link?

Ben_Copeland - 26/9/05 at 03:41 PM

nope it dont lead to anything....

andkilde - 26/9/05 at 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
nope it dont lead to anything....

You have to paste the rest of the URL in from the second line.

Just takes you to an article about Dawn French though...

Cheers, Ted

pbura - 26/9/05 at 03:51 PM

Try this

Sounds like the wife is considering a change, too: "I'm used to calling him Helen."

Maybe they can get a package deal and save on some bits???

Edit: Oops, my bad, I thought his wife's name is Helen. This IS confusing!

[Edited on 26/9/05 by pbura]

Mix - 26/9/05 at 04:47 PM

Thanks for sorting that one out Pete.

Sorry folks I was in a bit of a hurry and didn't check that the link was working.


Mix - 26/9/05 at 04:49 PM


I've just noticed who the article was written by

Scary place the interweb


Ben_Copeland - 26/9/05 at 05:58 PM

I tried pasting it in.. but didn;t get anything
Maybe i missed a bit off the end somehow

Peteff - 26/9/05 at 06:28 PM

Vince Gledhill story Here it is again then Ben.
You can tell us what you were really looking for Mick, we're all open minded adults on here. Well, open minded anyway, tee hee hee !