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Printed T-Shirts
grassracer - 2/9/07 at 03:44 PM

Can anyone help me out. I've a particular photograph of my car which I want put onto some T shirts, however I don't want the photo printed on as is but want more of a 'line drawing' type thing of the actual image. Firstly is this possible and if so how do I get the photo converted into the image I want, can anyone recommend a supplier? Oddball question I know but most things on here get a sensible reply

Humbug - 2/9/07 at 04:08 PM

I got MGI Photosuite with a Sony camera and it has a special effect called Colouring Book which is like lines

[Edited on 02.09.2007 by Humbug]

millemg - 2/9/07 at 04:43 PM

Send the pic to me at -

millemg99 "at" yahoo . co . uk