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Sij - 4/8/09 at 02:40 PM

Do the 1300 and 1600 xflow have the same mounting points and ancillaries.

As my 1300 engine has blew up and I need to replace it without changing anything. And was wounding if the 1600 would slot into place using the 1300 ancillaries.


MikeRJ - 4/8/09 at 02:45 PM

The only significant external difference between the the 1.1, 1.3 and the 1.6 Kent is the height of the block, since the higher capacity engines use a longer stroke. The 1.6L engine is around 7/16" taller than the 1.3L. All engine mounting points are the same.

Sij - 4/8/09 at 03:05 PM


Is the exhaust manifold different?

MikeRJ - 4/8/09 at 03:09 PM

No, the heads are pretty much identical apart from valve sizes. Your manifold will bolt up to the head ok, but bare in mind the whole manifold will be raised up by 7/16".

02GF74 - 5/8/09 at 11:14 AM

^^^ what he said - identical but for sump, con rod length and block height.

I have measured block height difference and it is somewhere between 25 mm and 30 mm - it can be calulated by using stroke difference and rod length.

MikeR - 5/8/09 at 11:26 AM

the general rule i use is about 1" taller.

Engine mount is identical. The inlet and outlet will be about 1" higher up.

02GF74 - 5/8/09 at 01:50 PM

measured = 27 mm

con rod diff. = 20 mm
1/2 crank throw diff. = 7.3 mm

add both together = 27.3 mm ..... compares very well with what I measured.

MikeRJ - 5/8/09 at 03:22 PM

I thought the 7/16" sounded a bit short, but that's what Burton suggests! I'm wondering if they missed the inch of, e.g. should be 1 7/16", but then that appears to be a bit too large.

Sij - 5/8/09 at 04:49 PM

Thanks alot guys