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Chemical Cleaners
mike4444244 - 25/1/06 at 12:41 PM

Can anyone recommend a good company pref in NW who do commercial degreasing, I want to get my V8 properly 'hot tanked' cos a) i haven't got time, b) i want it to look good and c) i can't be @rsed to do it myself! I have 4 engines needing cleaning as well as other bits so i'm looking for a proper company to do it...
any help appreciated


viatron - 25/1/06 at 12:44 PM

Any engine Reconditioners should be able to do this for you. Just be aware that most wont gaurantee that all paint will be removed you will probably still need to spend a couple of hours with a wire brush on a drill to get a really nice finish. I took about a morning on my crossflow block when it cam back from cleaning and was really pleased with the result.


David Jenkins - 25/1/06 at 12:52 PM

Just be aware that anything ferrous (iron or steel) will rust before your eyes once this is done...

I painted the outside as soon as I got it home, and then brushed the inside with clean oil.

Lovely and shint, though!


Howlor - 25/1/06 at 01:11 PM

What you really need is ultrasonic bath system, normally the final bath is a treatment to prevent corrosion. We have one at work for plastic mould tooling but they tend to whinge if yo put something that is really dirty in there!


mike4444244 - 25/1/06 at 04:34 PM

hi not too worried about rust as its a rover v8! i did think about engine recon people but i have a load of shot blasting to do too so was thinking one of these places that does blasting and chemical cleaning, anyone know of any round lpool or northwich?