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Best sounding exhaust design for a V6?
RazMan - 4/6/07 at 09:36 PM

My car sounds like a Mondeo! I have played around with different packing densities of wadding but I still can't get a decent sound. It's either far too quiet or it resonates horribly.

If I split the exhaust into two, feeding each 3 cylinder bank into seperate cherry bomb type silencers, will I get a better sound than my 6:1 system running through a single 8" silencer? Will it be too loud?
Any advice will be appreciated

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 09:39 PM

Once I can afford it/get round to it, I'm planning to run a silencer for each bank, with an exit pipe on each corner of my car. Should sound suitably burbly, whilst being adjustable for noise by use of more packing. Or so the plan hopes.

Chippy - 4/6/07 at 09:43 PM

As I understand it the best sounding system is to have twin pipes, but to have a ballance pipe joining them together just after the bell housing. the ballance pipe has two things going for it, 1/ it improves the power, and 2/ it reduces the noise level, so your idea of two C/bombs would "probably" sound good. HTH Ray

ed_crouch - 4/6/07 at 09:43 PM

The best one I can think of adds another cylinder to each bank...



RazMan - 4/6/07 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ed_crouch
The best one I can think of adds another cylinder to each bank...

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 10:03 PM

A balance pipe is tricky to do in a midi set up, as it's quite hard to fit it so it's at the same point in each pipe. I'm not planning on fitting one, as it would be a bit of a major PITA to fit. And I have no idea where it's go anyway!

RazMan - 4/6/07 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Chippy
As I understand it the best sounding system is to have twin pipes, but to have a ballance pipe joining them together just after the bell housing.

As my car is a middy and the engine is a transverse V6, both banks emerge in the same place so a balance pipe would have to be around 4" long. I am not sure if this would help or hinder....

*edit* You beat me to it Si

[Edited on 4-6-07 by RazMan]

mark chandler - 4/6/07 at 10:05 PM

twin pipes sound good but only if you are directly between them, stand at the left or right, you hear two three cylinder engines, one loud one quiet.

Balance pipe removes this and improves the noise, however 6 cylinders never sound that great as the pulses are evenly spaced and go Left/right alternately.

That said my 3ltr capri 20 years ago sounded great with 2" pipes straight through silencers....

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 10:09 PM

How does your exhaust run at the mo then? Does it use the ford manifolds, if so which ones?
I didn't realise you had space for a link pipe, as it's length isn't important, as the best type is actually an almost X shaped thingy, where bothe pipes come together into a common chamber (a very short, very wide link pipe) and then back out again.
Like the bit on the left of this exhaust:

[Edited on 4/6/07 by DIY Si]

rustybits - 4/6/07 at 10:13 PM

Nothing wrong with the sound of a standard Mondeo at 6000 rpm if you like sewing machines. All in all a very competent smooth boring yawn engine sadly lacking a powerband. Still if i ever get round to transplanting it into the locost it should fair shift. I've driven a ford cougar with the v6 which sounds just as boring so yeah splitting the system into two and using cherry bombs should sound much better, might be a bit loud though.

blakep82 - 4/6/07 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by mark chandler
6 cylinders never sound that great as the pulses are evenly spaced and go Left/right alternately.

so if you had the space (and could make it look decent, as this would be VERY difficult) if the cylinders were numbered


and the firing order 123456 as i think it is on my V6, what if you connected one exhaust to cylinders 1,4,5, and the other to 2,3,6, how would that sound? would not alternate regularly but the system would be huge and look fugly

RazMan - 4/6/07 at 10:20 PM

The front bank dives under the sump and emerges next to the rear bank on the right. It then goes through a dummy cat and swoops back through the 8"silencer. I have ditched the twin outlets now and made a twin bore central tailpipe. Rescued attachment Exhaust.jpg
Rescued attachment Exhaust.jpg

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 10:20 PM

It would look a bit like the GT40 bundle of snakes exhaust, and probably sound as different in a simialr way. Ie the way a GT40 sounds different to a more normal V8 set up.

RazMan - 4/6/07 at 10:23 PM

Here's a slightly better angle. As my V5 states that my engine is a non-cat jobbie I could probably ditch the cat pipe which would save some room.
I don't really want to remake the headers - they were probably the lion's share of the exhaust cost and any fancy pipework would be very difficult to route and be horrendously expensive.

[Edited on 4-6-07 by RazMan] Rescued attachment Exhaust2.jpg
Rescued attachment Exhaust2.jpg

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 10:23 PM

So a tubular version of the ford set up, if I read that right? I'm not sure how affective a link pipe would be, as I have no idea if it needs to be in the same place in each header/exhaust. If it doesn't matter, then one just to the rear of the block/where the pipes come up should be fine.

RazMan - 4/6/07 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si
So a tubular version of the ford set up, if I read that right? I'm not sure how affective a link pipe would be, as I have no idea if it needs to be in the same place in each header/exhaust. If it doesn't matter, then one just to the rear of the block/where the pipes come up should be fine.

But wouldn't the existing 2:1 collector do the same job as a balance pipe then? Or is the gas flow radically different with a 90 degree exit?

p.s. Yep, it's a stainless tubular header setup (which cost an arm, two legs and a kidney!)

[Edited on 4-6-07 by RazMan]

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 10:38 PM

The link pipe is mostly there to balance the pressure waves in each pipe. This, by it's vey nature, requires two pipes! It bleeds some off into the other pipe, as helps to equailse things in general. A collector is different, instead of having 3 pulses with some balancing, you know have 6 pulses.

RazMan - 4/6/07 at 10:48 PM

Ahh I see it now So even a short balance pipe should still do the same job as a longer one (in theory anyway)
So my system would go:

2 banks - balance pipe - 2 silencers

DIY Si - 4/6/07 at 10:57 PM

Yup. See the pic I put on the first page. Instead of the X at the end of the two header pipes (the seperate part on the left), put in whatever length link is suitable.

RazMan - 5/6/07 at 07:47 AM

Is it me, or has she got a bad case of wind?

Nun avatar
Nun avatar

..... must be all that pvc

Johnmor - 5/6/07 at 08:25 AM

I have an exhaust that goes from both banks into one and then back into two again.

Its sounds Ok , but its the alfa V6, and it was always a little noisey.

I have two cans from a Suzuki TL1000 , Im going to try using them with a some miner mods.

I must admit if you put it under load and hit around 3500 revs it starts to howl.

dern - 5/6/07 at 11:26 AM

The 2.9 ford v6 in my old tvr s3 sounded pretty good. I don't know the terms for the configuration but it looked like this...

Manifolds... to downpipes (these are obviously shagged old ones)...

...and off in to the 'silencer'...

