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What Fuel Pump for twin 40s?
The Doc - 2/1/08 at 05:08 PM

Does the fuel pump have to be red top or similar for these or will a standard pump do the job?

Just that I'm a tight git!


matt_claydon - 2/1/08 at 05:14 PM

My 40s worked fine off the standard Pinto mechanical pump.

SALAD - 2/1/08 at 05:15 PM

Anything that is high flowing but low pressure. So you could use an alternative to a Red Top pump in conjunction with a pressure regulator.

Someone will have suggestions for second hand/scrap yard alternatives.

chris taylor - 2/1/08 at 05:17 PM

Mine also works fine with standard pinto pump, as did my last build,

The Doc - 2/1/08 at 05:21 PM

Anyone find the same result with Xflow?

John Bonnett - 2/1/08 at 05:32 PM

I had a 1650 pre-crossflow on twin 40s and initially used the standard mechanical pump. The carbs ran dry after a short full throttle burst. I changed to a Facet Red Top and Filter King and this arrangement worked perfectly.


Fozzie - 2/1/08 at 07:34 PM

I have a facet pump (mini electronic).

You do need a regulator. My webers do not like to run at more 3psi.......

Oh I have a 1300 xflow.....

HTH Fozzie

PaulBuz - 2/1/08 at 08:17 PM

As Fozzie said, if you fit a facet pump(mines the fast road one) you will need a regulator. My carbs overflow without one

02GF74 - 3/1/08 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by The Doc
Anyone find the same result with Xflow?

I'm fuelling twin 40s on 1300 crossflow using enigne pump and don't have any problems.