posted on 27/6/07 at 09:27 PM |
mk seats
ive got my new seats now but i need some advise on fitting .
as the bum part is lower than the base of seat i guess you have to fit some kind of metal tubing to rasie the seats up higher.
ive got runners for the drivers seat (comes in two bits) or can someone recommend a different runner that is easy to fit and works good
posted on 27/6/07 at 09:36 PM |
the way i did it without runner (but should work the same) is use 4 pieced of 50 x 50 x 3 aliminum angle. 2 for each side bolted back to back to creat
a Z section. This means u can alter the angle of the seat also with multiple holes on the vertical part of the faces which make the Z section. It also
lifts the seat so the bottom lower part doesnt hit the floor.
Really need a pic to show but i havent got one at the mo.
Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.
posted on 27/6/07 at 09:40 PM |
Advice on our website...
Feb 1st...
posted on 27/6/07 at 09:43 PM |
erm... ignore my advice. that guys not only got pics but his own website lol
Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.
posted on 27/6/07 at 09:50 PM |
OR big repair washers
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posted on 28/6/07 at 06:36 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Moorron
erm... ignore my advice. that guys not only got pics but his own website lol
... but it's always best to get a second opinion... as our way is not necessarily correct!