posted on 11/2/10 at 03:23 PM |
seat advice
i bought some cobra monaco pro seats last year, not entirely happy with them, as they're very tall once the side mounts are on, and the seat
belt mounts are all out of place.
race trucks use Kirkey seats. nice, but very expensive and not many
considering GRP, but not entirely sold on them yet....
how are kirkey seats fitted? do they bolt striaght to the floor? my chassis has 2 strips 5mm thick for seats to be bolted to, which are about 25mm
above the floor. can't really work out how to get my hands around to bolt them in lol
are GRP seats the same as kirkey in terms of fitting?
i seem to remember somewhere, drawings for making your own ali seats. rorty was it?
[Edited on 11/2/10 by blakep82]
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posted on 11/2/10 at 03:42 PM |
i seem to remember somewhere, drawings for making your own ali seats. rorty was it?
Yes.. There are some others that have made similar on here, search might bring them up.
posted on 11/2/10 at 03:47 PM |
just measured up, and without measuring to the exact mm, the rorty are a better fit than the ones i've got. the top harness holes line up
perfect with tube across the back of the seats. looks like these cobra seats will find themselves for sale soon...
i'l have a search, thanks
[Edited on 11/2/10 by blakep82]
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posted on 11/2/10 at 04:08 PM |
Hi Blake,
If you send me your dimensions I have a drawing for an Ali seat that could be adapted to fit whatever sizes you need for harness holes and obviously
bum width
posted on 11/2/10 at 04:19 PM |
ah, cool! cutting on the water jet should be easy enough, but i can't weld aluminium. but if you can, or know someone who can...
have to say, still very much in the 'thinking about it' stage
been looking at ths drawing
which look about right. top harness holes are almost perfect i think. will need to work out all the sizes properly and get back to you.
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posted on 11/2/10 at 05:14 PM |
I used a similar method of strips 25mm above floor.
I made a seat subframe so it slides into a tab (inacessible side) , then secured using 3 bolts.
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Canada EH!
posted on 11/2/10 at 05:27 PM |
Kirkey seats in race cars in North America are bolted to the roll cage, no adjustment, if the truck gets upside down you want more than a production
style adjustment system keeping you inside the cage.
posted on 11/2/10 at 05:33 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Canada EH!
Kirkey seats in race cars in North America are bolted to the roll cage, no adjustment, if the truck gets upside down you want more than a production
style adjustment system keeping you inside the cage.
these are the strips i mean
so yeah, they would be bolted right to the chassis. no adjustment, not sliders ets. they only movement would be perhaps a thick rubber washer to take
away some vibration.
do you know where i might find some photos or drawings of how they're fitted? bolt sizes, washers etc?
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posted on 11/2/10 at 08:06 PM |
kirky seats have one bracket either side of seat and one centre rear. these are bolted to floor then seat screws direct to them. by the way, demon
theves have special offer on kirky, check website
posted on 15/2/10 at 05:36 PM |
Arh but ali seats are flat and not bum friendly...whereas the Triton jobbies are seriously bum friendly....lots of happy rears out there to
My Daughter has taken over production of the damn fine Triton race seats and her contact email is
posted on 15/2/10 at 09:43 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Triton
Arh but ali seats are flat and not bum friendly...whereas the Triton jobbies are seriously bum friendly....lots of happy rears out there to
they would be once they've got some lovely foam stuck to them
as i said, still trying to decide, but how are GRP ones bolted in? have you got any clear photos of the bottom of them? just to help with fitting and
deciding what to go with.
ali seats have flat bottoms, and can be bolted easily. they can also have expanding foam squirted in a bag to make a nicely moulded seat.
grp seats come a little more 'moulded' to shape. but with that look a bit more difficult to fit. they do look comfier though once foam is
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posted on 16/2/10 at 09:02 AM |
Triton seats are a doddle to fit as have 4 x 8mm steel inserts bonded into the base/second skin...Ed and Em are working on a padding set as well as a
complete cover in leather so drop them an email..
My Daughter has taken over production of the damn fine Triton race seats and her contact email is
posted on 16/2/10 at 03:12 PM |
I wonder what scope there is for cutting down the thickness. Rorty used 2.5mm sheet whereas Kirkey use 2mm.
I suspect the kirkey seats gain what they lose in the material stiffness back in the pressings and rollings. Looking back at some of their earlier
seats they are much simpler.
My Build Thread
posted on 16/2/10 at 03:17 PM |
My GRP seats have a flat base with 4 captive nuts - so very easy to mount.
They're also much more comfy than they look.
If you lived near buy id let you come over and sit in mine!
posted on 17/2/10 at 06:30 PM |
Em and Ed will be at Stoneliegh with the seats on display so folk can try for size and even buy at the show.....
My Daughter has taken over production of the damn fine Triton race seats and her contact email is
posted on 19/2/10 at 06:26 PM |
Here's a picture of the bottom, of a white Lowside seat.
Hope this helps
Ed and Emma
posted on 19/2/10 at 06:31 PM |
awesome, thanks everyone! a little way off buying any seats at the minute, but i'll have a good think
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