posted on 24/5/05 at 02:43 PM |
Edge panelling
what are the different approaches to panelling the edge of the cockpit (where you arm would sit as your driving) does anyone have any pics?
i am carpetting the inside of the body panels, so the chassis can be seen, but where the side panels fit over the top chassis rail, id like some sort
of panelling to neaten things off a bit.
and the curved bit - by where your shoulders are, whats the best approach there - ive panelled alum in, and about to carpet them - but i want to hide
the edges of the alum and do a neat job.
any pics and thoughts very much appreciated.
barrie sharp
posted on 24/5/05 at 03:23 PM |
Hi Tom I used the carpet strip that you can get from the flooring dept at B&Q.
not too shabby.( see photo archive)
the cars looking good" a blind man would be pleased to see it"
''stop press'' the blind mans seen it said "it felt ok"
posted on 24/5/05 at 04:28 PM |
For the bit where your arm sits I covered a piece of wooden molding used to finish work tops off, local DIY stock it. Cut to length, cover in vinyl
and looks OK. The good news is it costs next to nothing so when it gets scuffed, which it will, bin it and spend 15mins fitting a new one.
The curved bit is done in ali moulding which will bend if done by hand and then also covered in vinyl.
A pics on my photo archine...interior folder. Tried to attach an image but did'nt work.
[Edited on 24/5/05 by zetec]
" I only registered to look at the pictures, now I'm stuck with this username for the rest of my life!"
posted on 24/5/05 at 07:38 PM |
Zetec, thats a seriously nice interior!
posted on 24/5/05 at 08:49 PM |
Thanks mate. Thought I would have a look at your pics...How the f**k did you manage to do that with an angle grinder!
Sod the goggles you need a suit of armour!
" I only registered to look at the pictures, now I'm stuck with this username for the rest of my life!"
posted on 1/6/05 at 07:52 PM |
Not me. I used to work in health and safety and used a lot of gruesome pics, took a few too. Somebody always does something silly with rotating
machinery, grinders, die grinders, flap wheels, drills, cup brushess, ruff tuff brushes, pillar drills, linishers, somebody always does something
silly. Grinders are common ones, and always somebody taking off the guard. Loads of grinder fatalaties out there, wheel fractures for whatever
reason and fragment penetrates someee soft body part, usually something useful like a hand, an eye, heart or lung.
Need to get some more pics in there.
posted on 2/6/05 at 08:06 AM |
I got some aly trim supplied with my ZR kit. The curve has been formed as well. Try giving Mac1 a call, it doesnt look expensive.