posted on 17/7/06 at 07:27 PM |
2 yrs...then FRUSTRATION kicks in!
HELP...i bought my cobra seats for my MK when i got the MK chassis delivered. Back then (2yrs ago) i tried to fit the joy. Pre SVA now and
trying to fit them again!!! ARRGH.
I've tried putting bluetack on the bolts on the bottom of the seat and pressing down to get a 'print'. To drill where the bluetack
was. But somehow they were off line. Any other suggestions??? Such an awkward thing to fit!
posted on 17/7/06 at 07:33 PM |
glue a square of cardboard onto the bottom of the seat with holes made/marked,put seat in and draw round the square on the floor,remove card from seat
and place on floor,collect blue peter badge on your way out
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
rusty nuts
posted on 17/7/06 at 07:35 PM |
Think when I did mine I was able to get to the front holes , marked and drilled then then slid seat fully forward, made sure it was in line then used
a metalwork scribe that had a right angle point on it to mark the rear holes. Then removed the front bolts, lifted out the seat and drilled the rear
holes. Probably took about an hour to do both seats.
posted on 17/7/06 at 07:48 PM |
When doing something similar in a mini, I put got 4 bolts, cut then short and pointed the ends. Then place seat and put you ar$e in it. Should leave 4
nicely punched holes for drilling.
posted on 17/7/06 at 08:49 PM |
OK.thanks guys, i'll have a go at all of them.
John Bonnett
posted on 23/7/06 at 03:16 PM |
glue a square of cardboard onto the bottom of the seat with holes made/marked,put seat in and draw round the square on the floor,remove card from seat
and place on floor,collect blue peter badge on your way out
Spot on...... You cannot beat a template