posted on 22/1/07 at 12:52 PM |
Seat Retrim
Does anyone know where to buy seating material from, i have bought some cheap seats off ebay and i'm going to retrim them myself but i
don't know what the material is or where to get it from.
I'm after the cloth type material, like on standard Recaro seats
Any help appreciated
John Bonnett
posted on 22/1/07 at 12:57 PM |
A good start would be Woolies http://www.woolies-trim.co.uk/. They should be able to fix you up.
John Bonnett
posted on 22/1/07 at 12:59 PM |
P.S If Woolies cannot help you could give my friendly uphosterer Stuart a call on 01647 432379. He has years of experience in car trimming and should
certainly be able to either supply you or tell you where to get it.
posted on 22/1/07 at 01:01 PM |
Nice one, thanks
posted on 22/1/07 at 01:12 PM |
I'm afraid that they are more local to me than you, but they do post and prices are usually pretty good...
posted on 22/1/07 at 01:30 PM |
try www.allwheeltrim.co.uk
He does a lot of work for F1 teams, aircraft, Land Rovers. he carries a large stock