posted on 2/7/07 at 08:34 PM |
harness belts too long
I picked up a pair of Sparco harnesses because they were a good bargain but soon realized they were for a floor mounted application as opposed to a
rear bulk head one. The rear straps are way too long. Anyone ever come up with a way to get these to work, or is it safe to shorten them?
posted on 2/7/07 at 08:48 PM |
Ideally they should be stitched again but as CaLviNx says you can carefully seal the bare threads with a torch. Your local trimmer should be able to
sort it out for you safely.
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 2/7/07 at 08:50 PM |
Shortening Belts
I shortened a pair of belts satisfactorily.
Cut and sealed the end, as mentioned in the earlier reply, folded the sealed end over and stitched it with a domestic sewing machine easily. The
sewing was not load bearing, because the shortening was effected by the buckle system.
I would think twice if the sewing involves a load bearing joint.