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just a little clip
OX - 14/2/05 at 11:14 PM

was just testing out the camcorder bracket and postion making sure its ok for my first trackday in the car
yes, i know the steering wheel is on the piss

Mr G - 14/2/05 at 11:25 PM

It's a bugger trying to pull out of lanes aint it, your strapped in and can't get forward enough to get a good view so your having to stick the front of the car out etc... Even worse in the summer with the hedgerows full....

Oh yeah and nice vid!

Police Camera Action looking at the camcorder



shortie - 14/2/05 at 11:28 PM

Great clip Ox, cars looking good!

Where's the track day?


OX - 14/2/05 at 11:40 PM

Oulton park on the 26th. loads of cars going,its gonna be pants

Hellfire - 15/2/05 at 12:57 AM

Nice clip Ox

Did you use a standard tape cam or the dvd type now available? That engine is mighty fierce... nice to see the arse out so easily!!!

Any chance of some pictures of the cam mount?

chunkielad - 15/2/05 at 01:03 AM

That's got to be miniDV tape or a DVD camcorder - nice quality - I'm most impressed at the lack of vibration on the cam.

Is it electronic or did you do something physical to the mount to absorb the vibes?

I used to make films for a living so these things interest me - sad I know!!!!

sean951 - 15/2/05 at 02:48 AM

very nice vid, great quality....the busa sounds sick, i think ive made my engine choice

locoboy - 15/2/05 at 08:51 AM

Nice vid matey, it still doesnt do it any justice in the speed stakes thought!

Saw this cam mount last weekend apparently its from a rally car and it has a rubber donut between the camera and the bit mounted onto the car.

Nice quality it produces too.

DarrenW - 15/2/05 at 11:06 AM

Very nice vid. im very jealous now. They do spur me on tho so lets have some more! Did you find you got splattered with those puddles on edge of road? No glasses My father has MK aeroscreen on his but is now experimenting with front mud flaps to keep the splat down. In the summer (June 16th am ythis year apparently) country lanes after the cows have been taken for a walk will be interesting.

Id be interested in pic of vid mount as well. It was nice a stable.

Well done. Nice house as well.

richijenkin - 15/2/05 at 01:23 PM

Nice!!! but with the extra 6 stones in the drivers seat the R1 might just have the edge....???

OX - 15/2/05 at 03:15 PM

cheers guys
the camcorder is a jvc mini dv,£218.
just gonna pop up to the car and get some photos of the bracket.

rig,im going on a diet

[Edited on 15/2/05 by OX]

locoboy - 15/2/05 at 03:33 PM

Never mind the Diet - fook off back to work you part timer and earn some more money to spend on that car!

subk2002 - 15/2/05 at 05:38 PM

Car sounds great moggy

OX - 15/2/05 at 06:03 PM

camcorder bracket

there website :-)

JoelP - 15/2/05 at 06:56 PM

cracking lil vid there ox. you got a paddle shift?!

OX - 15/2/05 at 09:16 PM

yeah,the same thing used as on the last one , some of the bits i used

Jonte - 15/2/05 at 09:17 PM

great video. ...
Makes me wish the summer was here now and not the 20cm of snow we have

But you make me nervous, you´re driving on the wrong ***** side of the road. It´s lucky you live on the countryside

john_p_b - 15/2/05 at 09:33 PM

awesome! really good quality video and that engine sounds bang on!

i want mine on the road now!!

bob - 16/2/05 at 05:57 AM

Nice one Ox ,straighten that steering wheel up scared me at 1st.LOL

woodster - 16/2/05 at 10:26 AM

As always a top notch video and fantastic car

j30fos - 16/2/05 at 01:10 PM

Your've done well again. The car sounds great, whens it up for sva'ing cant be far off.

[Edited on 16/2/05 by j30fos]