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I've passed
plantman - 15/3/13 at 09:32 PM

After 6 years passed last tuesday failed last week on the headlight being too close qick bodge over week end and went back and passed

have a rather long discussion at shrewsbury DVLA on the way home, I didn't fit any of their boxes not a kit not been rebuit not been radically altered...I asked half adozen times if they would like to come outside an have a look I was assured they did not need to do that ...... got a letter today asking to take it to them to have a look.

the joys

myke pocock - 15/3/13 at 09:35 PM

Sadly they hold all the aces. You need them more than they need you. What a bunch of numpties. Were they trained in Carlisle by any chance?

plantman - 15/3/13 at 09:36 PM

I doubt they were trained at all

Daddylonglegs - 15/3/13 at 09:38 PM

You'll get there. Congrats on the pass BTW

plantman - 15/3/13 at 09:42 PM

thanks for that and i will just keep smiling at the very nice people at dvla

big_wasa - 15/3/13 at 10:03 PM

Well done, I must get mine booked.

Confused but excited. - 15/3/13 at 10:05 PM


plantman - 15/3/13 at 10:12 PM

did have a quick blast down the road seemed to move along quite nicely I'm chuffed

[Edited on 15/3/13 by plantman]

austin man - 15/3/13 at 10:45 PM

on a positive front you should be ready for April when the sun starts to shine

plantman - 16/3/13 at 06:23 AM

you must live in a different country to me

adithorp - 16/3/13 at 08:35 AM

Nice one!

Be patient with DVLA, some of them are just numptys, it'snot their fault they're numptys and there's not a lot you can do to change then. Personally I had no problems at all when registering mine at Manchester but just weeks later the personel changed and others had mega delays.

You'll be on the road this summer Getting into Stoneleigh for free is the next landmark!

b3ngy - 16/3/13 at 09:39 PM

Congratulations. Hopefully mine will be iva'd later this year. Really not looking forward to dealing with dvla though.