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ChrisBradley04 - 12/10/04 at 11:05 PM

Does anyone know if you need a speedo to pass an MOT?

I have looked at the MOT website ( and the presence of a speedo is not one of the things they check for!

The real reason for the questions is that I want to use a GPS speedo, but obviously it won't work in tunnels or the MOT station. I can live with that but can the MOT testers?

Any comments would be appreciated.


Hellfire - 13/10/04 at 01:09 AM

I would presume a Speedo is vital for MOT.

You can have square wheels but it doesn't say you can't :¬)

For SVA you definately need a Speedo...

garage19 - 13/10/04 at 06:48 AM

A speedo is a legal requirement but not an MOT requirement

So you can pass an MOT with out one but you will need it for your SVA.


ady8077 - 13/10/04 at 04:19 PM

Hi Chris

You definately need a speedo for sva, and you must be able to see all of it from the driving position, I failed my first sva because the examiner could only see up to 100mph, because of the rim of the steering wheel, the speedo reads to 140


ChrisBradley04 - 13/10/04 at 06:50 PM

Thanks for the replys.

My current project doesn't require an SVA, so I only need to meet MOT standard.

THE PROBLEM - I am using a 2003 R1 engine, so it costs quite a bit to buy a set of clocks (last set on eBay went for over 180 quid!!), a yellow box speed converter, a head loom etc. to make it work. I estimate all-in-all about 250 quid for the clocks to be installed.

THE SOLUTION? - I then notice the Road Angel 2 unit, which displays speed very accurately via GPS. So what I was thinking was I could buy one (300 quid on eBay) and it would serve as a speedo but also all of the benefits of the Road Angel with a radar detector. Basically I am getting the Road Angel features for not much money.

The only downside I can see is that the unit needs to see the satellite to function, so won't work in tunnels.

However, the unit is very pretty and would make a lovely dash unit. They also do a remote aeriel so you can french the unit into the dash face.

As for the rev counter, I intend to use shift lights.

Do you reckon this will work?


v8kid - 10/1/05 at 01:07 PM

Saw somewhere pushbike speedo's were SVA compliant - one of the performance mags I think. Bought one from Halfords for a fiver and it's the dogs bollocks, current speed, average speed, max speed trip and total milage - weighs next to nowt too!!
Always a hitch though there's no backlight and the screen is small - too small?
Anyone any experience with getting these through SVA?



Marcus - 10/1/05 at 10:11 PM

MK used Halfords bike speedos and get through SVA. Don't know how they get round the illumination problem though.


flak monkey - 10/1/05 at 10:16 PM

Surely illumination is simple to solve, a small light on dashboard that shines on speedo that comes on when you turn on the headlights will solve it?


stevebubs - 11/1/05 at 12:01 AM


It may be worth bearing in mind (regardless as to whether it needs to be fitted) that the MOT is a static test so doesn't cover whether the Speedo actually works or not.

I guess the mini is nearly on the road then?


chunkielad - 11/1/05 at 12:10 AM

A lot of people seem to use a Numberplate light on the dash to illuminate the Pushbike speedo.

If you go for a Road angel,you could go for a PDA based GPS unit instead - won't cost you much different and not only do you get the GPS speed but also the SatNav function (TomTom) AND they now have a speed camera overlay with audio warnings throu checkPOInt software. Only the laser detector missing!!!

v8kid - 11/1/05 at 12:26 PM

Ha! Solved my own question the pushbike brigade have mini torches that clip on to the speedo for a few bob and they only weigh grammes. God I love that lightweight stuff - wonder if my V8 will fit in 2 bikes strapped together?

Good to hear MK got one approved but I imagine the SVA test would be variable depending on the examiner? Still nothing ventured I suppose all they can do is say no!!

Peteff - 11/1/05 at 01:14 PM

It has to come on with the sidelights for the sva.

v8kid - 11/1/05 at 04:13 PM


ady8077 - 11/1/05 at 05:17 PM

The Max power lads use little 12v neons to light up the dash

Have a look on ebay item 7946124822

Only a couple of quid


NS Dev - 11/1/05 at 05:19 PM

nowt to stop you soldering some flying leads to the battery terminals on the bike "speedo lighter upper" and feeding these via a resistored feed from the sidelight circuit, the led's take so little current that resistors to drop the voltage will be fine. They do look fairly neat those lighting thingys, and you'll save the weight of a battery!! (whoo hoo!!)

NS Dev - 11/1/05 at 05:22 PM

Either that or have a look at the possibility of drilling the speedo case and putting a backlighting led in it, not sure whether this is poss without trying.

One other thing, a bike speedo needs to have a non-resettable trip meter to be SVA legal apparently. These do exist (Sigma 1200?) or if the reset is a pin hole thingy on the back then if you lightly glue it to the dash, then it's inaccesible for the test and must pass anyway!

If any other lighting ideas fail, as peteff says, just use a numberplate light. I'm certainly going to look into the possibility of putting an LED into the speedo case.

NS Dev - 11/1/05 at 05:59 PM

Just checked SVA book and it doesn't (as far as I can see) say that the illumination has to come on with the sidelights,

it just says that "the speedometer is capable of being read at all times of the day or night, e.g. by illumination"

Which to me suggests permanent illumination is a possibility, and in that case, so is this little beast, which is now very tempting!!!!!!!!!


NS Dev - 11/1/05 at 06:01 PM

What's more, it seems from the Topeak website that they do a long cable option, with 1700mm long cable, which I guess will be long enough for the installation on the front wheel with no extension of wires!

hmmmmmmmmmmmm, now methinks, I made a very nice, (and very strong, given the way he drives) bike carrier up for my mate's westy, which clamped to the rollbar and backstays. I will (eventually) make another for my Locost, so I can take it on some fun roads and then do a spot of mountain biking while I'm there. Just need another bracket and the original short cable, and I'll have a computer that I can swap from the car to the bike, and I can have one wheel diameter set for the car and one for the bike!!!

Daft, but fun too!!

[Edited on 11/1/05 by NS Dev]

chunkielad - 11/1/05 at 08:40 PM

NS Dev is right about no comment in the manual for the illumination to come on with the side lights. As long as it's visible day and night, you are OK.

My manual is as upto date as it can be as I only got it this morning!!!

paulf - 11/1/05 at 09:55 PM

Some of the motorcycle dealers also sell these Sigma units for motorbikes, and apparently they will read to 180mph.
I think MPS or Motrax list them.

Originally posted by snoopy
whenever we use a pushbike spedo for sva we have to provide documentry proof from the manufacturer that it is capable of displaying over 100 mph ie will display 3 digits usually this can be found in the handbook which comes with it but do ask this when you purchase such items and dont forget it for sva

NS Dev - 12/1/05 at 05:08 PM

I will be only too willing for the SVA tester to run the car up over 100mph, that's up to him!!! Think it'll spin the rollers over quite happily at 130 ish, just depends how brave he's feeling!

Mike Rankin and myself ran his sigma unit past 100mph with the magnet attached to his drill chuck!

PioneerX - 12/1/05 at 05:28 PM

I read the comment of illumnation with side lights and I have to say I disagree too. My Jag has recessed guages and as such the are lit all the time. As production cars must pass SVA (all be it only one of each type) then would it not follow that you could light it all the time?

PaulBuz - 12/1/05 at 06:27 PM

Surely the road angel wont pass the SVA.
They test the calibration on a set of rollers don't they?
i.e.....No actual forward motion: GPS thinks that you are stationary & will read 0mph

andyps - 12/1/05 at 07:04 PM

I wondered about the possibility of the Road Angel as the speedo as the accuracy is guaranteed, but the SVA cannot test it so may not allow it.

It also does not provide any sort of mileage recorder so that would still be needed.