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caliper mounting
omega0684 - 23/2/06 at 04:12 PM

hi guys, what is the difference between radial mounts and lug mounts for calipers?

Bob C - 23/2/06 at 04:17 PM

lug mounts have the axis of the mounting holes parallel with the axis of the wheel, radial mount they're at right angles

omega0684 - 23/2/06 at 04:24 PM

im using uprights from a ford sierra so which do i use?


Marcus - 23/2/06 at 04:53 PM

I think you can use either, one requires an adaptor though. Can't remeber which!!

Ps that was probably no help!

Cortina uses lug mount

[Edited on 23/2/06 by Marcus]

ERP - 23/2/06 at 05:36 PM

Depends on what you want.

Assuming you're making the adapter yourself then radial mounts are a lot easier to make the adapter for. Since one set of fasteners is running at 90 degrees to the other, it usually just a question of finding a piece of AL the right size andd drilling holes.

Lug mounted calipers will often require significant machining to make a bracket.

Or you could just buy calipers with brackets that work for your application.

NS Dev - 23/2/06 at 11:28 PM

If you need to ask then best to buy em with adaptors.

As Marcus said, normal car mounts are normally Lug, most competition calipers are Radial, for the reasons mentioned above and to make the caliper from a smaller lump of ally to start with.

Ready made lug mount calipers are great if available to fit your uprights, but if not, they are usually a swine as they tend to be just too close to fitting to enable a bracket to easily be made, as the holes will usually overlap.