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How to finish edges GRP seats.
Sebastian - 19/1/11 at 05:22 PM

I have the GRP seats like the ones from MK, but i was wondering how you guys finish the edges of the harness holes i have the standard rubber u trim but the radius of the corners are to small so it bulges in the corners and i don't want to make the holes bigger.

Anyone got any ideas or pictures of finished seats.


martyn1137 - 19/1/11 at 06:24 PM

My MK has similar seats and has no protection for the belts, it has been around for a while and this doesn't appear to have caused any chafing. It is though an area I had in mind to upgrade and can see the problem.

I saw a photo somewhere recently, maybe on here, with the front edge of this style seat trimed as you describe. I wondered if this was an IVA requirement.

jacko - 19/1/11 at 07:53 PM

I used split cable convoluted pipe

bigpig - 19/1/11 at 08:46 PM

I used proper edge trim. Auto Trim in Leicester (have a look on ebay) supply the stuff, you can also order if from ebay. I think I used about 3.5 meters per seat (off top of my head).

Triton - 20/1/11 at 11:00 AM

Triton seats have moulded edges to the slots and all face backwards rather than a rough cut hole with some iffy looking edge trim on it to protect the's the small things that make the difference