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RQT, my build.
conceptzrqt - 14/3/06 at 03:22 AM

I forgot I was a member to this group. I belong to several and it gets hard to keep up.

This is my build I started it a few years ago. I call it RQT after my kids. I use a Honda CBR1000 for its drivetrain, you can check out some of my photos here as well as a few other projects I have done.

I am still trying to get some more pics uploaded. It is way to much fun for one person, that is why I have started building a 2 person 3wheeler. I am going to try and have it running before this summers end. I have videos but I have not found a free place to host them yet. I am just finishing school so I hope to have a web sight up some time soon. Check out the link and let me know what you think...I will be happy to answer any questions, if you have any.

Thank you.

donut - 14/3/06 at 07:34 AM

WOW! impressive 3 wheeler! Is it finished yet?

conceptzrqt - 14/3/06 at 02:15 PM

I started to moch up a body but stopped. My wife wants one of her own so I thought a good compromise would be to build a 2 seater (RQT.2). So my project this summer is to build RQT.2 instead of finishing RQT. If you go to my link you can see a drawing I did of the body I started. I will most likely use the parts from RQT and donate them to RQT.2.

I drive it as often as I can. I took it to class not long ago. It is about 100 miles round trip to class. I did my final project on my 2seater design and used my single seater as my overall example.

My only real problem with RQT is I have my clutch on the shifter, DONT EVER DO THIS. I hate this design, the clutch needs to be at the foot. It is not safe or easy to use. Oh well, thank you for the feed back.
There is going to be a car show in NorthCarolina in October and there will be some other 3wheelers there. I plan on taking RQT or maybe RQT.2...well see.

Again thank you for the feedback,


Hammerhead - 14/3/06 at 02:36 PM

Hi Mate,

The project looks good. I like your concept sketches, Have you seen the VW 3 wheeler recently unveiled? similar in spirit to what you are trying to achieve.

Don't forget to keep us updated on your progress.

Good luck.