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My stolen Trailer
Rocket_Rabbit - 25/9/14 at 06:45 AM

Perhaps this isn't the right place, but it is the ideal place.

My trailer was stolen this morning.

It is only really designed for transporting Sevens and low cars so the market for it will be specialist.

Cheshire Police have given me an incident number 104 25092014

So if you see it about, please drop me a PM or feel free to call 101 and report it to them


prawnabie - 25/9/14 at 06:47 AM

Hope you get is back soon mate

HowardB - 25/9/14 at 06:53 AM

guessing that they will ditch the top, is there a chassis number, or make?

hope that you get it back soon

Nickp - 25/9/14 at 07:00 AM

Your location / area might help.

Rocket_Rabbit - 25/9/14 at 07:11 AM

Stolen from the Crewe and Nantwich area.

Rocket_Rabbit - 25/9/14 at 07:13 AM

Originally posted by HowardB
guessing that they will ditch the top, is there a chassis number, or make?

hope that you get it back soon

Yeah, that was my thought too.

I'm trying to look for the last invoice of the service with all that bumpf on it.

bi22le - 25/9/14 at 08:04 AM

Keep an eye on your garage. They may come back for the car or contenrs of the garage.

good luck trying to find it.

owelly - 25/9/14 at 08:37 AM

Post it up on Facebook. That's one of the only goods things FB is good for!!

Jon Ison - 25/9/14 at 10:35 AM

eBay too, I have known of stolen horse boxes been recovered after been spotted for sale on eBay.

Andi - 25/9/14 at 11:48 AM

I will dial 999 if i see it being towed, as its a crime in progress.

Hope you get it back


dhutch - 25/9/14 at 04:32 PM

Bastards, scan ebay/gumtree/etc.

Good luck.


silverback - 25/9/14 at 07:29 PM

have you any pics of it without the canopy on.
I am after a trailer and I don't want to end up with a stolen one.
If you have some certain makings on it , it just might help to find it.
Good luck to you in finding it.