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How to secure a roof...
jono2020 - 16/5/11 at 08:02 PM

I have weather gear for my Tiger. The other day I was doing about 70 and the poppers at the front gave in and the roof hit me and the passenger in the face. Temporarily blinding me (and it hurt.) Has anyone got any ideas how to secure the roof at the front other than poppers... I was thinking some kind of strong cuflink idea to secure it through the windscreen but thats as far as my thoughts can go to fix it...

snapper - 16/5/11 at 08:07 PM

There are two better fixings, lift the dot or turn buckle.
Probably turn buckle is the more positive

jono2020 - 16/5/11 at 08:25 PM

can u show me any kind of example??? cheers

ReMan - 16/5/11 at 08:30 PM]

adithorp - 16/5/11 at 08:31 PM

Woolies do turn buckles and "lift the dot" fasteners for hoods.

jono2020 - 16/5/11 at 08:37 PM

iv just found them on there. How does the lift the dot one work??? Im trying to think which one will be best on the roof as it will be attached to the windscreen, and when the roof isnt on I dont want something looking wierd looking sticking out the screen

austin man - 16/5/11 at 08:59 PM

I would just fit a couple and keep the poppers at least you will have peace of mind

zilspeed - 16/5/11 at 09:50 PM

The Sylva has a U channel secured to the front of the screen.
The Soft top has a similar U channel as part of it.
The two face in opposite directions and one slides inside the other and that's it.
It can't come out.