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Need for windscreen?
gr8ging - 25/2/07 at 02:54 PM

I'm not going to have a windscreen on my chosen kit, I like the look of the aero screen/scutle bumps. The wife is concerned about stones hitting my head! Does anyone where a helmet when driving there cars on the road?

nitram38 - 25/2/07 at 02:56 PM

Yes, because even bumble bees hurt at 30mph !

RazMan - 25/2/07 at 03:01 PM

Believe me you WILL fit a screen eventually - stones & bugs is not a healthy diet.

David Jenkins - 25/2/07 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
Yes, because even bumble bees hurt at 30mph !

And we get these things flying round in the evenings where I live!

It's a Stag Beetle - 2 inches or so in length, hard, and a significant weight.

Many people wear helmets, as many people don't like the turbulence behind a flat windscreen.


nitram38 - 25/2/07 at 03:04 PM

No screen on my car !
We both wear a crash helmet with autocom though !

Aloupol - 25/2/07 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
Believe me you WILL fit a screen eventually.

Watching the photo archive section, I didn't see much Locost with a screen, seems you all choose the aero screen solution?

BenB - 25/2/07 at 03:52 PM

If you like wearing a full face helmet you don't need a windscreen.
If you don't, best to plan to fit one from the beginning....

MkIndy7 - 25/2/07 at 05:20 PM

I'd say an Flyscreen is fine for around town, short trips, cruising about and the nice curvy A-roads,
Your unlikely to get any stones flicked up on these types of roads/speeds and You can't beat a bit of wind through the hair/in ya face!, just wear good tight fitting glasses.

The aero screens do offer quite alot of protection from the front.. its just you get more wind round the sides where you get more turbulance towards your ears.

Any significant distance or Motorways it would have to be a helmet.. or certainly one to hand or in the boot.

After 300 miles in a weekend around scotland there was lots of bugs on the flyscreen and I don't remember having any on me.. although maybe I was enjoying myself that much I didn't care
Although I would say ours is possibly higher than most peoples.

Your best bet would be to SVA it with nothing.. then see if you can manage with a flyscreen.. and then if you have to fit a windscreen and associate wipers/de-misters.

miegru - 25/2/07 at 05:21 PM

Guess it depends on where you drive. When I'm in the netherlands I wear a helmet; lots of bugs. Here in Italy there are much, much less bugs so I don't wear a helmet. I really like the feeling of having my face in the open.

Was worried about stones in the beginning but have never been hit by one; with or without helmet.

Had a windscreen on my first seven and found that it is undoable to drive without sidescreens above 100km/h. The turbulence in your face literally takes your breath away. Another thing I didn't like was that on a hot summer day you were in a sauna. Without the screen the in car ventilation is much better.

Why don't you try a ride in both options? I'm sure there are some members within reach and willing to take you for a ride. If you're coming to the Milan area; give me a ring....