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NODIZ Micro :: £149inc VAT and Postage (intro offer)
mtechmatt - 19/12/13 at 01:48 PM


The unit is now available to buy in the 'OEM format' as shown in the following product preview video, which sums up all the features and differences between it at the NODIZ Pro.

They are to retail at £149inc VAT and Postage.

If interested, PM me, or post on here!


Slimy38 - 19/12/13 at 02:59 PM

P00, I would be tempted by this but I'm not in a position yet to purchase!

What will be the normal retail price?

mtechmatt - 19/12/13 at 03:52 PM

Hi, retail will be £199inc


mtechmatt - 19/12/13 at 05:41 PM

Now on ebay

Scuzzle - 19/12/13 at 05:56 PM

Nice price but is it not a strange design? Looks like it's meant for hanging from a key chain rather than bolting to your car, or am I missing something.

mtechmatt - 20/12/13 at 08:45 AM


Watch the vids, you'll get the idea....

Designed to be hidden away, or tied into the loom. The PCB holes are for passing the wires back through for extra security..