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who teaches remapping ?
tcr - 20/9/12 at 12:09 PM

after a long talk with my consultant i have come to the realization i cant go back to the job i did before the accident so i am now in a position where i need to retrain, after looking at my options it all seems to be pointing to office work which i hate thats when i started thinking about learning remapping but there only seems to be one credible company offering the training.
are there any of you out there who is a re-mapper that can point me in the right direction ?

CNHSS1 - 20/9/12 at 01:36 PM

theres a course run on mapping, something like ECR?? one of the trainers is Jez Horsham of Horsham Developments in Cheively, Berkshire., he may be able to give you some pointers on the course etc

coyoteboy - 20/9/12 at 01:42 PM

Are efi101 usa only? Iirc they do courses. Its finding a job or facilities I think you might struggle with? Suppose you could work as a calibration eng for a big oem?

tcr - 20/9/12 at 02:21 PM

thanks im not bothered where i work i just want to take the opportunity to make the most of a bad situation and learn something im interested in instead of spending the rest of my life on benefits like most do given a given half an excuse.
theres 100's of franchise deals with (generic) mobile tuning companies which offer training but id rather sell my soul than go down that route .

ashg - 20/9/12 at 02:35 PM

I did the EMA course run by Jes Horsham and Anthony Rickson. simply put it was one of the best courses i have ever had the pleasure of going on.

i did their Introduction to engine management course and reviewed it in an article for ckc magazine. but simply put it was fantastic well worth the money.

Hopefully i can find time to go and do the other courses at some point in the very near future.

Fatgadget - 20/9/12 at 04:07 PM

My thoughts are if you got a grounding in how control systems interact, and are of advanced age,you probly wasting time and money going on a learning course unless you get an accreditation at the end.

mtechmatt - 20/9/12 at 04:12 PM

Do you want to learn 'remapping' or tuning?

If you want to learn dyno tuning then come down and shadow us for a bit If you can make tea, your in lol


[Edited on 20/9/12 by mtechmatt]

tcr - 20/9/12 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Fatgadget
My thoughts are if you got a grounding in how control systems interact, and are of advanced age,you probly wasting time and money going on a learning course unless you get an accreditation at the end.

im only 33 although i do feel of "advanced age" at the moment
where are you at matt im stll going through surgerys to rebuild my foot at the mo but i can still make a mean cuppa

[Edited on 20/9/12 by tcr]

SCAR - 20/9/12 at 06:38 PM

If you've a bit of time on your hands you can always pop in and see us at SCAR, we're just down the road at Mansfield. Give me a message first though to avoid a wasted journey as the club only opens a couple of times a week
Hope the foot mends

mtechmatt - 21/9/12 at 04:23 PM

We are down in Wiltshire nr Bath

tcr - 21/9/12 at 04:41 PM

Originally posted by mtechmatt
We are down in Wiltshire nr Bath

oh a bit far but if you throw a sleeping bag and train ticket in ill bring the bacon