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How to a Fighter Pilot
jeffw - 31/7/15 at 12:19 PM

Very interesting article

JC - 31/7/15 at 03:22 PM

JS was a Jag mate (aircraft, not car!) - most definitely NOT a fighter lol!!!!!

[Edited on 31/7/15 by JC]

jeffw - 31/7/15 at 04:59 PM

Thanks for your contribution, obviously the man himself refers to fighter aircraft.

JC - 31/7/15 at 06:45 PM

No offence to you intended Jeff! I think even the most ardent Jaguar pilot would never claim it was a fighter, but to the press anyone who flies a jet is described as such! He is actually an excellent chap and as former director of the RAF Tactics and Training wing, can speak with authority about 'lookout' and the other subjects touched upon in the article!

David Jenkins - 31/7/15 at 07:02 PM

I had to go out in my car this evening, on a short errand, so I thought I'd try out his 'look at 3 things each time you look each way at a junction' - just for the hell of it.

It certainly makes you look hard! But it was a bit of a distraction, thinking about that instead of 100% 'normal driving'. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

[Edited on 31/7/15 by David Jenkins]

Ivan - 1/8/15 at 10:26 AM

Thanks for that url - excellent article - should be a routine part of drivers education.

cal - 7/8/15 at 07:03 PM

What hes basically saying is the exact same method used to develop lookout in early pilots, you have to stop and focus in order to see things in the air otherwise your eys focus on a point about 12ft outside of the aircraft.
A good article no the less and I enjoyed the second comment being that he was a Jag mate and not a fighter pilot.