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Contact details - Andy Mullin
nib1980 - 23/12/08 at 09:31 PM

Hi All,

does anyone have any contact details for andy mullin?

he advertised some brakes parts on here, and hasn't responded to a U2U.

many thanks

scootz - 23/12/08 at 09:31 PM

I don't

blakep82 - 23/12/08 at 09:40 PM

and neither do i! but whats his name on here?

CRAIGR - 23/12/08 at 09:44 PM

Mobile number on this thread.

blakep82 - 23/12/08 at 09:48 PM

^ ah there's your answer. i was wondering if he had his email address button showing on his posts, but the link above is even better

andy_mullin - 23/12/08 at 10:25 PM

Sorry been busy.
Tel 07846 380086
The details are:

1 x 260x9 ultralite 4 princess economy
1 x mdb1890 1144 mintex pads

look here:


[Edited on 23/12/08 by andy_mullin]

nib1980 - 23/12/08 at 10:28 PM

Hi andy,

thansk for responding,

i'll have a look over the Xmas period, and let you know.

If you could U2U me aswell that would be great

Many thanks

andy_mullin - 23/12/08 at 10:33 PM

Sorry for not checking earlier.

If you want me and I'm not on line or answering as I leave the mac on all the time please phone me.

Seasons greetings to you all.


[Edited on 23/12/08 by andy_mullin]