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What do you want when you die?
MikeR - 4/10/10 at 07:47 PM

Just seen an advert about what people would like when they die.

Told the g/f i want my coffin to be transported to the funeral on top of a seven (with full cage & strapped to the top). Would make one heck of a funeral cortège (and maybe save a penny or two with not having to hire a hearse).

So what do you want when you die?

clairetoo - 4/10/10 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by MikeR

So what do you want when you die?

Just not to die would do for me

40inches - 4/10/10 at 07:52 PM

To live, Ta

scootz - 4/10/10 at 07:53 PM

All set out...

Body delivered to crematorium by undertakers.
Body burned without ceremony.
Ashes collected by wife (or next of kin).
Ashes spread in the garden by wife (or next of kin) without ceremony.

I'm aware that this could be interpreted as quite a selfish way to bow-out (seems many people need the 'closure' of a funeral / wake), but my wife understands and that's all that matters to me!

liam.mccaffrey - 4/10/10 at 07:55 PM

I want, and I'm serious, a coffin made out of quarter plate and welded up by my coded welder mate. I want to go to the graveyard on the back of a flatbed and get lowered into the hold by hiab because it will be too heavy to lower by hand

I want loads of weird crap in and welded onto the coffin so that when they did me up on TimeTeam 3000 they say "this guy was a effin nutter"

I am 100% serious, my draughtsman mate is doing the drawings and my mate who owns a big fabrication company has agreed to supply and cut the plates. I reckon it'll be cheaper than regular funeral too.

nick205 - 4/10/10 at 07:57 PM

I'm of the minimum fuss way of thinking too, but TBH I won't be there so whatever works for those that are is just fine with me.

JoelP - 4/10/10 at 08:00 PM

Three men were asked what they would want to be said about them at their funerals. The first one said, “I want someone to say I was a wonderful father.”

The second man said, “I want someone to say I was the greatest baseball player ever.”

The last man said, "I want someone to say, ‘He’s moving, he’s moving!’”

snapper - 4/10/10 at 08:04 PM

I wanted my ashes distributed in small quantities in the ashtrays of every pub in Chelmsford, but as youcant smoke in pubs that idea is out the window so I am considering donating the whole body to medical science,
That should give them a laugh if nothing else.

speedyxjs - 4/10/10 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
So what do you want when you die?

Come back to 'visit'

clairetoo - 4/10/10 at 08:09 PM

I've just realized why I dont worry about what will happen when I die

It's because I'm immortal......


Benzine - 4/10/10 at 08:13 PM

I want my corpse to be burnt in a 200ft wicker man with black metal playing ear-bleedingly loud. Then a jousting tournament.

Mark Allanson - 4/10/10 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I want, and I'm serious, a coffin made out of quarter plate and welded up by my coded welder mate. I want to go to the graveyard on the back of a flatbed and get lowered into the hold by hiab because it will be too heavy to lower by hand

I want loads of weird crap in and welded onto the coffin so that when they did me up on TimeTeam 3000 they say "this guy was a effin nutter"

I am 100% serious, my draughtsman mate is doing the drawings and my mate who owns a big fabrication company has agreed to supply and cut the plates. I reckon it'll be cheaper than regular funeral too.

Have it argon filled while you are at it - give the timeteam something to really talk about!

Madinventions - 4/10/10 at 08:27 PM


I want my corpse to be burnt in a 200ft wicker man with black metal playing ear-bleedingly loud. Then a jousting tournament.

Benzine - that's an awesome way to go!

Personally, I was going to go for the 'burlap sack into a hole in the ground' approach somewhere quiet and far away from any bloomin' churches! Ideally, I'd like a tree planted on top of me so that it could re-use my atoms.

Fairly shortly thereafter, I'd secretly like to be able to come back as some form of malevolent entity and wreak untold havoc on anyone I choose. That's rather unlikely to happen though!


balidey - 4/10/10 at 08:32 PM

Never thought about it.
But if I get to come back I want to be a cat. Bloody easy life.

Richard Quinn - 4/10/10 at 08:45 PM

Not *rsed really. It's not as if I can disagree or change whatever they do.

snakebelly - 4/10/10 at 09:06 PM

wrote my will recently following a bit of a scare, cremated, ashes put in rocket that i have already paid for. Taken to hill near where i live, 5 tracks played that i have chosen, light blue touch paper, exit stage left.

steve m - 4/10/10 at 09:08 PM

To be asleep, as it will be painless

AndyW - 4/10/10 at 09:18 PM

deffinatley worth thinking about, when I died I hadn't made any plans, luckily I was only dead for a short time (about 35 seconds) now I have full plans in place, fireworks, loud music and hopefully one hell of a party. Bring it on I say, been there done that and there is nothing to fear.......unless you dont come back

McLannahan - 4/10/10 at 09:22 PM

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather.

Not screaming in terror like his passengers

It's a classic......

handyandy - 4/10/10 at 09:25 PM

unusual topic that is not often discussed, but the inevitable will happen to us all.

My wishes are planned & arranged.........

To be transported to my grave on a sled pulled by a team of Huskies, if some of my own are still alive then they will be involved, if not, the ashes of my dogs to be buried with me , photos of my kids in my hands.

On a lighter note my mrs says she will also put a packet of cigs , a lighter & a flask of coffee in with me, cos i,m always saying i,ll have a fag & a coffee before i do things she wants doing


David Jenkins - 4/10/10 at 09:27 PM

They can fold me up and put me in a bin liner - I won't care by then!

daviep - 4/10/10 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by McLannahan
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather.

Not screaming in terror like his passengers

It's a classic......

austin man - 4/10/10 at 09:38 PM

I just want to know that whoever killed me was worth it lol

Peteff - 4/10/10 at 09:47 PM

My ambition is to live forever,

so far so good

graememk - 4/10/10 at 10:00 PM

i've got my funeral planed already,

i've even played my own music on piano and recorded it to a cd ready for the big day

StrikerChris - 4/10/10 at 10:10 PM

Afew years back our village "greengrass" character made his final journey hanging out the back of his Bedford rascal pickup(which I suspect hadn't seen an mot for a number of years).some thought it was a lack of respect,I thought it was fantastic and can only think he'd of loved it

Ninehigh - 4/10/10 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by steve m
To be asleep, as it will be painless

Bah McLannahan beat me to the joke.

All I want when I'm dead is for them to make sure I'm really dead before doing anything. However having gone out in a nuclear explosion or splattered across my car or jumpstarting a tank (using my arms as jumpleads) or some other awesome way to go there might not be much left of me!

I suppose it would be nice if someone thought I went out in a way cool way

jono2020 - 4/10/10 at 10:24 PM

I would like my body to be used as a practical joke I think... Just used in funny situations like planting in your mates boot and calling the police... putting in a swimming pool and watching all the lifegaurds jump in... just randomly left in busy shops to see how many people walk past me...

The more I think about it there isnt really much you can do with a dead body...

But while im not being used for laughs id like to be just left on the sofa just to freak out visitors

Ninehigh - 4/10/10 at 11:01 PM

Originally posted by jono2020
I would like my body to be used as a practical joke I think... Just used in funny situations like planting in your mates boot and calling the police... putting in a swimming pool and watching all the lifegaurds jump in... just randomly left in busy shops to see how many people walk past me...

The more I think about it there isnt really much you can do with a dead body...

But while im not being used for laughs id like to be just left on the sofa just to freak out visitors

So basically you want to be a human version of Rowdy off Scrubs?

jono2020 - 5/10/10 at 01:13 PM

Thats exactly how I want to be!!! Except not a dog...

coozer - 5/10/10 at 03:30 PM

Traditional wood coffin, transported to the graveyard by horse and cart at six on a cold foggy morning with a distant bell tolling.

No burning here....

iti_uk - 6/10/10 at 09:15 AM

Cremated, certainly. It would be cool to be made into a diamond once cremated and then mounted on a ring or something.

I'd want a ceremony, but not a sombre one. I want it to be a big happy meal around a table with good food and drink, and much merriment. I wouldn't want to be remembered with tears.
